Chapter 5

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Seonghwa's POV

I woke up feeling groggy.

    My eyelids were glued together literally because of how heavy they felt, I also blamed the surrounding puffiness on my eyelids that was making it all worse. I forced them open after what felt like forever, but then I was blinded by the sun rays. I cursed myself for not closing the blinds the night before, and cursed myself for not looking away from the windows before opening my eyes.

    Passing my tongue around my mouth and I could fell that 'fur' feeling at the corners in which I cringed immediately. My back was killing me, in fact I thought I must have bent it fully as it was paining me even though I was laying down.

I felt something soft on me.

    Looking down, I realised that it was a blanket, however I had no recollection of getting a blanket before I feel asleep. In fact this wasn't even mine, it belonged to one of my brothers as it was of a luxurious quality: super soft, super warm and big.

    Getting up from the couch, my back complaining at my every moment, and I saw that all the plates that I had left on the table in front of the couch were gone.

My brothers must have come home.

But wait, where are they ?

    I looked around puzzled for any sign of the resident troublemakers, but the sound of a plate shattering was the indication of where they were.

    I reached the kitchen, panic written all over my face because I literally had only cleaned the kitchen yesterday, this was the reason they were banned from going in there. That, and the Waffle Accident™ that had scarred that one kitchen cupboard forever.

    My eyes were met with the weirdest image; my brothers' face covers with chocolate syrup, wiped cream, flour, and smudges of butter. Smoke filled my lungs and an uncontrollable cough, that turned into a coughing fit, latched onto them. The air was in smokes, and it was starting to cover my vision. The frying pan had a round dark brown something and from the ingredients on the table-top I guessed that it had formerly been a pancake, not just one but multiple with the same colour scheme.

"What the hell!!?!"

    I realised that it was my voice by how dry it sounded. The croaky ness of my voice as every syllable spilled out wasn't a surprise, since I did in fact bawl my eyes out.

    The two turned around with theirs eyes wide open, screaming 'BUSTED', before they came running to me trying to get me out of the kitchen. Big mistake.

    The fire alarms activated, and the sprinklers went off, ruining everything. This got their attention back to the stove where a saggy pancake drenched in water was sitting there along with more drenched pancake on the table-top. They closed the stove and opened the windows before they flopped their arms around trying to get the annoying alarm to stop.

    I sighed as a headache was forming, there was no point in lashing out because I knew that if started it wouldn't end. I was drenched, cold, dirty and everything in between. Ordering them to get the supplies needed, I help out the two idiot.

    After mopping the floor, opening the windows and getting the living room's ceiling fan to work; I silently started to do the dishes throwing out the burnt food in a black bag.

    My brothers offered to help but one look from me said enough that they stooped talking looked down and went out of the room. Another sigh escaped from my lips, I couldn't help it as I always ended up clearing their messes.

Cinderella's Fate  |  🤍 seongjoong  🤍حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن