Chapter 11

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Seonghwa's POV

    The next morning, I was the one to turn up at the front door of Yunho's hotel room. I had a question to ask him, assuming that he was familiar with the town, about the library. My mother had talked about the library of this town as one of her favourite places to visit when she and her dad had nowhere else to go. Her dad will pull out his best voice of a dragon and narrate the book to her in such a fun way that she would not stop laughing.

    She did the same thing for me, putting on a whole performance re-enacting the scene when the knight had finally defeated the monster. This sparked my love for books and for the library. I felt close to her wherever I was there.

    The boy opened the door. Unlike the previous day, Yunho was not prepared. His hair was all over the place, and he was still in pyjamas.

I guess we went too hard with the festival yesterday.

    In fact, I had framed the pictures we took in my diary, well one I bought yesterdays, and I kept all the pictures with my face.

Maybe, one day, I'll show him.

"Where can I find the library?"

He rubbed his eyes and was quiet for an entire minute before responding.

"To the right of the hotel, then ...", he yawned, "walk to the end of the road, opposite road had the library called "Library of SilverSquare"".

"Thank you!", I responded before dashing through the hallway.

    The receptionist greeted me, startled me in the process, but I was able to compose myself and greeted back. Following the directions that Yunho had given me, this time not forgetting any details, I arrived at the library. I was glad that it wasn't s far away, as the weather seemed to had darkened.

    The library was two stories high, with two pillars at each side to support the building, the name of the library ingrained in stone and a few banners promoting new book exhibitions. It really looked like a museum.

Walking inside, I greeted the security at the door, before going to the actual room with books.

    Feeling at home with the familiar place, I browsed through the section that my mother loved the most: fantasy.

    I took the time to review the newest books, flicking through the pages to get snippet of plots and storylines. Reading the back of hard covers and paper covers to get the synopsis of the books, and even taking a few out of their positions, on the shelves, to read them in the designated areas.

    Honestly, I had been felling lost ever since I had arrived here. The adrenaline and the rush to get out of the house was the main driving point for this journey, but I didn't know where to start unfolding the curse. The only information I had been given was from Yunho who seemed to know a lot about the history of the kingdom and gave me an insight of the royal family kingdom curse story.

He never elaborated on what happened to the princess? I wonder why.


Reading the books was so relaxing, and before I knew it, I had spent a good three hours reading.

    I got up from my position in the comfy sofa. The shape of it had deformed, and it seemed to resemble me after all the pressure of my weight. I parted it down a bit, trying to get it back up, but to no vain there was no effect and I just hoped that they could fix it.

    I left to get the book back to its place. Thinking of what the future might hold, I had no way of knowing if I'll ever get back to this place, the library, so it was best not to keep the books even though I wanted to.

    I placed my hand in my pocket as it had gone cold from holding the book for so long, and my hand touched something. Recalling the event from yesterday, I knew what it was : the compass from the clown.

I can't believe I forgot to give it back.

    I took it out to look it over. It really was a beautiful object, and now it belonged to me, as there would be no time to bringing it back to its rightful owner. The best course of action was to give it to a charity. They would be able to sell it for a good price and a good cause.

    I found the place in which I got the book from after a few minutes of walking around and searching the correct initials. Taking a stepladder, placing it carefully between two other books, I felt that my pocket was vibrating against my hip. I looked down to see if it was a kid who was trying to get my attention, but there was no one there.

    I finished the task at hand, carefully getting down from the stepladder and fished out what was creating the vibration, hoping it's not a prank.

It was the compass.

    The hands of the compass were moving round like crazy until they stopped, pointing into a specific direction. I turned to the side of it to change with the crown, but it would budge, so I left it there, ready to walk out of the section I was in. However, the compass started vibrating, pointing it the same direction that it was pointing at before. It was leading deeper into the shelves.

    Curious of where it was leading, l followed the compass, that was actually moving in a different direction at every turn. And it stopped moving at one of the shelves. I looked up and down, moving the compass, but it was not moving as it was a few seconds ago.

    Then the strangest thing happens, the compass vibrated and along with it a book was vibrating. It vibrated until it fell on the floor. I was stupefied that I just stared at the whole situation dumbly. I noticed that their vibrating sequences were in sync.

    Once I thought that it was safe to get closer, I did just that. I took a few steps toward the ever vibrating book and notices the Hole in the cover of the book. Looking down at the compass in my hand and the hole in the book, the hole matched the shape of the compass.

     Carefully, I placed the compass there and BOOM! Magical sparks started flying everywhere, making the book open with force and all the papers in it scattered on the floor. I rushed to get them off the floor, checking that it did not go underneath the shelves. My eyes flickered to the name on the cover: it was mom diary.

    I was shocked. The sparkles had diminished without a trace. I got up from the floor holding the dairy and the papers. Among the papers, there was a letter with my name on it. I read it right there and then, overwhelmed with the whole situation.

At the end of the letter, I held the book to heart before leaving the library.

Cinderella's Fate  |  🤍 seongjoong  🤍Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon