Chapter 8

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Seonghwa's POV

    It was evening when I arrived at the train station. I had a small smile on my lips as a way to congratulate myself that part of my plan had been accomplished. And now my only worry was to find a place to sleep somewhere.

    I walked in the same direction as the people of the town were walking. Most were business people who had just ended a day's shift, ready to leave and relax in their own homes. The huffed noises from passengers getting off the train were a sign of them being clearly annoyed by my walking pace, so I moved to the side.

I exited the station and was meet with tall buildings.

    Everything was different here, the buildings looked like something that belonged to the city, but not quite there. There were 4 stories apartment buildings with the windows showing signs of being lived in. Neons lights emitted from the buildings' entrance were there to make a clear distinction on whom it belonged to.

   The apartments were not the only things that caught my eye. There were many shops. So many with their bright neon colours. Some sold food, some sold alcohol, some sold clothes and others sold a bit of everything.

    Stopping on a shop name "The Suit Pub", I entered by pushing the heavy door by the curl;ed metal handle. A small chime welcomed me inside and the warmth of the place as well as the smell of beer surrounded me.

    People were chatting amongst themselves, clearly debating of what was appearing on the huge TV screen. The figure moving fast on the screen, but I couldn't make out what they were doing, too far away to notice the details.

    A waitressed noticed my presence. She was dressed all black, like I was, however I could clearly see her face, unlike her. She tried to peer at my face, but I moved away. I didn't want anyone to find out my identity, in case the madam would have found me sooner.

I doubt she would care, more likely she will get a hold of the rest of the money and possessions dad had promised me.

"Excuse me, would you like to order something? Should I get you a table?", the girl asked, coming closer, curious to see my face.

I stepped back and responded.

"Could you get your manager please?"

    The girl looked baffled, worried that she was going to get fired, and reluctantly ave me the direction to meet the manager. He was at the counter mixing drinks, happily talking to the customers who were a fan of the alcoholic drinks being served.

   I made my way to him, fully aware of the looks that people were giving me: some in disgust, some with wonder, and some with disinterest. I was the odd one out in this setting, while everyone was enjoying themselves.

    The bartender/manager stopped talking to his customer once he realised that I was approaching him. He narrowed his eyes trying to get a glimpse of me, moved his neck to get a clear view of my face, but he gave up. The cloak was doing its job.

"So, what bring you here? ", the bartender asked while cleaning the cup. His eyes were burning into me, as if he was trying to pick a fight.

I can't blame him, I looked like a grim reaper.

"Wh- where can I find a place to stay?", I asked, intimidated.

The man's face softened, just a little, due to my nervousness and answer my questions.

    He started giving me directions: go to the right, walk to the end of the road, go to the left, walk halfway through the road, cross to the right and walk to the end of the road and to the right of my hand I will see a hotel.

    The information of the directions was too complicated for me, but I didn't want to bother the man to repeat what he just said to me.

    So instead of asking again, I thanked him and made my way out.

It was a bit cold out.

    I guessed that with so many people in one place, it became hot like a heater and made a difference in the temperature outside. The cold was coming from the gushes of wind that kept trying to lift my hood upwards as I kept walking in a direction.

    I remembered that I had to turn right and walked to the end of the road, but after that all information had gone out of the window. I walked aimlessly around the places that enough the bar, until I saw at a building.

    It looked sophisticated with the bright and elegantly writing lights saying "the Palace Hotel", brown with gold ornaments at the corners of the door, around the window and on the handles.

    I walked closer to it, wanting to read the notices on the board. There were small sparkles from where the lights were shining to illuminate the door, welcoming any types of guests. Someone greeted me at the door.

"Good evening, would you like to register your arrival?", it was a pretty woman in her work uniform, suit jacket with a suit skirt and her black heels.

Dumbly, I nodded and heading in the hotel.

WOW, the inside is as gorgeous as the outside.

    The woman directed me to the reception, where there was a man behind the desk, typing on the computer.

    When I reached the desk, the guy topped typing looked up with a bright smile, before asking me if I wanted to book a room or if I had a reservation.

    Panics started rising from my heart, filling every space with it. I was about to answer when the girl who led me here cut me off and answered him.

"Oh, he's here with a reservation", she answered.

"What's your reservation number?"

    Sweat was practically falling from my temple, the man was expecting me to say the number and reveal the ticket.

    Thinking that I will be sent to prison like a criminal, I thought the start of something already ended too soon.

Until a voice came from behind, saving me from the situation. 

Cinderella's Fate  |  🤍 seongjoong  🤍Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя