Chapter 6

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Seonghwa's POV

    The madame came back, and I was avoiding her as much as possible. I never wanted to give her more of a reason to do anything evil to me, even though she was already plotting. And it was easy to do since she never wanted to see me.

    Everything was so strange to me that I kept looking at her as she had grown two heads, every time she had her head turned away from me. I kept questioning if the whole exchange I had witnessed was just the fruit of my imagination; I had reads enough books that I could have made all this up.

    However, I was certain that it was all true because I knew that she was searching for the funds, that she said that she would find. She had been looking around my dad's room more often and then coming back out to order me to clean up the mess she had made.

    So far, she hadn't made any progress as my dad was great at hide and seek so then all the files, documents, cards etc. had been hidden properly.

Who knew that all the hide and seek games we played together would have been useful?

But she found one of the cards.

    I heard her say that to one of her friends, at that time I was cleaning in one of the rooms and I heard her voice in the room next to me.

She was talking in hushed whispers.

    It was strange for her to do, I thought to myself, as she always talked on the phone for hours, being as loud and obnoxious as possible; while I was trying to even understand words in the book I was reading.

   She liked to ruin everything that I enjoyed, and this made me realise that I should have seen this coming. However, there was no time to duel on the missed changes that I had to realised what was going on.

    This opportunity had presented, itself and there was no way that I wanted to miss it so, dropping the wash cloths on the floor, I went up to the door of the next room to eavesdrop on the conversation.

    It took a while to get the distinction between the words, but then I picked up some words: saving account, followed by the mention of my dad's and my own name and the fact that she got a hold of one of the saving accounts that she was going to change the ownership of the account.

    I pulled my ear away once I got enough of the information I needed and went back to cleaning as if nothing had happened. The madame came out of the room, looked at me in disgust before going her way.

    My mind started formulating of a plan to execute so that I could stop whatever she wanted to do. But first, I need to message my dad and ask him about all the cards he had hidden.

    Fortunately, I had a video call with him in the afternoon since it was night where he was working for the next 2 months. We always had a video call at least once every month as a way for him to still keep the bond between father and son.


    I packed up all my cleaning equipments and then checked that there was food already in the fridge. The two brothers had yet to come from the university and o knew that they will be hungry for food and the madame was gone. She had left the house without giving a proper explanation, just a simple "going outside" as an explanation.

    Knowing exactly where she was going, I didn't say anything and just accompanied her to the door.

I was really lucky time.

The clock struck 4 PM, it was time to met my dad. I went upstairs to get my Yeosang's laptop.

Wooyoung tends to always misplaced it.

     Went to the attic, which was the first time for me to do so, but indeed it was the only place that I felt safe.

    I opened the laptop, wrote the password in before opening the video call app. It must have been 10PM wherever he was, and I knew he was still awake working. It was natural that I couldn't stop worrying about my dad's health.

In the past, I had to call the hospital as he had suddenly fainted at the door step.

    It was 4:45 PM when the call went through, I was anxious the whole time wondering if something had happened to him, and that he won't be able to get on the call for me to ask the questions.

And what if the madame was already back from the bank? I couldn't get caught.

A ping brought me back to reality and the worn out face of my dad appeared on the screen.

"Hi, dad", I smiled fondly at him.


    The talk lasted for an hour. And thinking back to the conversation, felt at ease with all the tile jokes we had about everything. But what was important that I was able to ask, in fact I was relieved by the news.

    He brought up the topic of bank accounts, since I'm doing so well with the college thing, that I realised I was not able to go because the madame was locking me in and constantly lying to my dad.

    He continued that his reasoning was that I will need to have my own money and since the mother was sceptical of working while studying in college as sit could result in a distraction.

    So he had one just for me in my name, and he had sent it through a special post, asking really his friend to come by to drop it at the door, and it should have been already here. I panicked because that could have been the card that madame was going to own now, but my dad added that he had told her it was an important document from work; so she must have placed it in his desk.

And that exactly where I was headed.

My plan would be in place soon. 

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