Chapter 7 PART 1

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Seonghwa's POV

    I was cleaning the kitchen after preparing some food, when the madame was back from the bank. Her footsteps echoed, alerting me that she was moving towards the living room and the slight screech of the sofa's legs scarping the floor as she sat down on it.

    I went out of the kitchen, peering from the door to catch my name to see if she needed anything, but no words were uttered, so I went about my day.

A very long one to be honest.

"Seonghwa! Seonghwa, don't you know that I have arrived! ", she shouted.

    I rushed out of the room, removing the gloves and throwing them behind me.

    Standing inform of her and apologizing for my rudeness, her facial feature softens a bit, meaning that I wasn't going to receive a punishment.

"Go and call my sons".

You literally could do that yourself.

    Instead of saying that, I responded with a "Yes madame" and went to get them.

    Walking up the stairs, I knew that my brothers were in their own rooms.

     They came back from Uni and went up as soon as they were in. It was a common routine as they were always swamped in with assignments. But they didn't ignore me, in fact they greeted m e by shouting when they were walking up, a sign that I got used to, and I signal for me to start cooking.

    It was not their decision for them to stay home, I remembered that they dreamed to go outside the country and go to the top universities for performance and being able to stay ways from the madame. The madame didn't want them to move out for Uni, so they both applied to the closest one.

No one wanted to face her wrath.

    I knocked on the first door that I saw and when I received no answer I opened the door. Yeosang had his headphones on and like he had sensed my presence, he looked up and removed them.

"The madame called you, can you help me wake Wooyoung?"

   And I was right, Wooyoung was sprawled out on his bed as he did on a daily basis to make sure he had enough recharge for the assignments and random choreas he came up with.

    Yeosang came out of his room and then help me to wake him up. I grabbed his legs and Sang grabbed his arms before we threw him to his bean bag.

"What the fuck, guys?!", Wooyoung screamed as his wakening was so abrupt.

"Language! The madame wants you two".

He widened his eyes before he dashed to his bathroom to freshen up.

We went downstairs.

"Seonghwa! What took you so long ? So useless", the madame yelled.

She looked at her to boys, sternly.

    They stood straight for the fear, that she could see all the things they did behind her back.

"Have you both done your homework? ", she asked as if they were children.

The two nodded simultaneously.

"What is the story that someone saw you two wasted in the street at night?"

    The two looked at each other before Yeosang rushed to say that the person must have seen wrong because Seonghwa was preparing food ad they were waiting to eat at that time.

"So you were eating at night?! When I specifically told you not to?!"

There it is, the constant questioning and blaming for everything you did

"And you, Seonghwa! How dare you cook past the bedtime! You live in this house for free and dare to disobey the rules! On more slip up and you. Are.out.!"

I responded with a "Yes, madame. I understand."

"Now, bring me a glass of water"

I went to fetch it for her.

After she drank, placing the glass on the small table, she started talking.

"Great news, we received a letter from the royal family", she exclaimed.

    We looked at each other in confusion because it was a strange situation to get a letter from the Royal Family.

"Seonghwa, read it for me"

I took the letter from her hands.

It read:

Greetings from the Royal Family!

As per tradition, once the prince has reached the age of adulthood, on his birthday a ball will be held for the prince to ask one of the maidens or bachelors for their hand in marriage.

And we are delighted to announce that the ball will be held 2 months from today.

Another letter will be sent out with the invitation card, when the date will draw closer.

Hope to see a lot of participants who are willing to make a change to the kingdom.

    As soon as I finished, the two brothers looked at each other before looking at me.

I knew what they were thinking, marriage was too soon for any of us.

    My eyes were wide open, I realised as the madam commented that I looked like I had seen a ghost. I composed myself as soon as the comment ended, I didn't want to get in trouble for facial expressions.

"You need to be ready for this. It's an opportunity for us to advance ", she said as her eyes shined determination, "This will be a perfect opportunity for your royal manners, so you will be retaking your royal manner lesson. It will be starting today".

I thought I was about to get out of duty, by then she mentioned my name.

"Seonghwa, research the latest and trendiest gowns and suits. Make sure to order all of them so that no one else at the ball will be able to have the same one", she finished.

    The horror on my brothers' faces made me almost chuckled if I wasn't sorry for myself, I knew that if I didn't do what she requested, she will torture me with absurd tasks.

So I got to work as soon as possible.

It is a clear sign to activate the plan as soon as possible.

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