Chapter 13

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Seonghwa's POV 

    The drive from my mother's hometown to the main city was long. So long that we quickly got hungry after spending the first 2 hours in the car, making a pit stop to refill our stomachs and the car.

    Yunho bought a lot of snacks after insisting that he knew all the best brands, therefore he should be the one to go out and pay. I was defeated by the puppy look, that he seemed to make every time he wanted to have it his way, and let him do what he wanted.

    He came back with two white plastic backs filled with different snacks : crisps, chocolates, popcorn, ice cream etc. He also didn't forget to but mineral water, fruit juice and some fizzy drinks.

     As soon as we set out on the road to our destination, we devoured the snacks in less than an hour, Yunho being the first at finishing off the snacks that he selected for himself. He looked at my side in which I had a few more snacks left, but I shared it along with him as I knew I couldn't finish them all. A flush of embarrassment decorated his cheeks as he apologised for eating so quickly, but I reassured that it was justified as he was a tall guy who probably worked out.

He beamed at me before digging in, and his cute, happy face made me feel like a mother.

     At the mention of my mother, I thought back at the situation I was in. So many thought swirled in my head, but no one could answer, as I had no one to turn to.

Is there an end to the curse?

    I was tired from all the emotional turmoil I was in, tired of wallowing myself in pity as my life had turned this way, tired of thinking of solution for something that I could grasp quite well. The concept of a curse trying to ruin your life was strange and almost laughable. But here I was in a different town, after believing that something could change the course of my life.

Stop thinking so much, Seonghwa!

     My thought did not stop, and another came to my mid. My dad. I felt guilt as I knew that he might be worried about my safety ad worried that he would have lost the last important person in his life. I knew that my dad did not spend a lot of time with me, but he made sure to call, FaceTime, and text me when ever he had time.

"Are you okay Seonghwa-hyung?", Yunho asked in concern, "You seemed a bit spaced-out"

I shook my head out o the trance and smiled at Yunho to reassure him

"Just a bit tired, I think I'll sleep a bit"

Better to think about it another day.

    And it did make me tired, and my body felt sluggish while I kept munching on the remaining contents of the packet of crisps that I was having.

Bit by bit, I slowly sank into a deep.


"Hey, Seonghwa-hyung", a whisper came to my ear, "We are here".

     I was gently shocked from my slumber. I blinked my eyes open, chasing the sleepiness away, and when they felt too sticky, I  gently rubbed them when the blinking wants working.

    With a croaky voice, I asked 'Where?' as I was still disoriented. Getting up from my uncomfortable position in which Yunho was helping me get up from, I opened the car door to reveal such a beautiful house.

    It had a black gate with curled spears to decorating the perimeter p the house. It was there to set it apart from the rest of the houses in the neighbourhood. However, between each gate there was a great amount of greenery that formed the garden, which gave it enough space between them.

    The house was two stories high and it looked wide. What set it apart it was a pretty pastel yellow colour and balconies for the seconds floor. Leading up to the house, there was a pathway was multicoloured lights, that shone over the freshly cut grass and the flowered sprouting from the ground.

    The door was made oof wood with gold ornaments, similar to the door that the hotel had. Once they entered, it looked like a penthouse with the swirly staircase, the polished hardwood flooring, contemporary painting and massive TV screen. At every corner of the house, as Yunho showed him around, felt like he was in one of those rich American houses.

     Yunho guided me up the staircase to the guest room. And I looked amazing, better than anything I had ever seen; after all I had grown up in the worst room with no heating, no thick blanket or anything to make it mine.

     I place all thing down without packing them first, I felt the tired ache in my bone and I definitely needed a night of rest without panicking about anything. I was glad that the guest room had its own shower, so I wouldn't accidentally show my face to Yunho.

     Heading straight to bed after placing sweating clothes and my cloak in the washing basket that the room had.


Woking up in the morning to some banging at the door was not fun.

     I was half asleep but had enough self awareness that I woke up from my position dragging along the blankest to cover my face. It was movement ingrained into my mind and body after all the lessons from the madame.

The banging wouldn't cease, and I was getting annoyed of how loud it was.

"I'm coming", I said, and I walked to open the door.

Wished I checked who it was.

There was a stranger.

     Dressed in all black with dyed blond hair with roots showing and piercing in his ears decorated with multiple earring of different kinds in the colour silver. Not only on his ears but also his lip, a single circle piercing at the corner of it. Light make up around his eyes and a purple-pink tint to his lip. Baggy trousers and baggy shirt with skull designs.

He was looking at me with a blank expression.

" Who are you?", his voice had a hint of irritation or maybe anger. It was too hard to decipher his emotions, and at that moment I was blabbing an answer.

Footsteps came closer to the scene and we both turned to the source.

Yunho was still in pyjamas, asking me about all that noise that was happening.

    The guy dashed, pushing me aside and going to hug Yunho. Pouting, one second while looking up at him and then glaring at me the next.

"Why is he here? " 

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