Chapter Twenty Six.

Start from the beginning

"Hyung, it's m-me, T-Taehyung." Taehyung replied as he felt his throat clogged up and he would throw up any second due to his nerves wrecking his body.

Suddenly he felt like the silence prolonged. Probably, he won't be comfortable enough to talk—

Right then he heard the door open a bit too quickly while a messed up Jeongguk stood in front of him. This Jeongguk is nothing like his Boba. This Jeongguk had messy hair, it looked as if he didn't even touch his hair for hours and his eyes—oh his precious doe-eyes that held the entire galaxy in them—were bloodshot and blank. It's as if it had lost its shine, its charm.

Taehyung noticed everything and his throat itches and tongue lapped to comment on it yet he didn't.

"W-Why—u-uh, why didn't you just come inside?" Jeongguk asked as Taehyung smiled softly as he looked away from Jeongguk's round eyes staring deep into his soul.

"You had told me to take permission before entering your room bo—hyung. I didn't want to disrespect you anymore." Taehyung said with a shrug as Jeongguk felt his eyes turning stern and blank. He understood that the nickname was about to slip yet he couldn't help but just feel anger running up his nerves when his baby corrected himself.

"I had just told you to knock and then enter my room, not to knock and then take my permission." Jeongguk replied as Taehyung dumbly nodded his head. It irked Jeongguk, it felt as if Taehyung wasn't even paying attention.

"Uh, hyung, can I come inside? I need to talk to you about something important. O-Or we could even talk downstairs?" Taehyung gave out an option and Jeongguk felt frustration sweep up his spine. Why was he getting options suddenly? Why did—he made the situation like this. Awkward.

"No, j-just come inside." Jeongguk answered as he moved aside a little to let Taehyung enter.

Taehyung walked ahead and sat down uncomfortably on the bed where he has spent his entire life. He has slept there, laughed there, cried there, squealed there and above all he has hugged his entire world there. Yet today, right now, his skin crawls when he sits there.

Jeongguk came and sat down beside Taehyung and even though there was a big space between them, Taehyung shifted a bit more away and the action didn't go unnoticed by Jeongguk. He saw it by the side of his eyes as he curled his fists tightly on his lap.

Taehyung noticed this action and chuckled sadly in his head. Is his boba now that disgusted to sit beside him and then needs to calm himself?

"Uh—I am sorry to disturb you hyung like this at a very odd time but it's something important." Taehyung said as Jeongguk's body turned more stiff. His baby now comes to him only for important things. He couldn't help but hear a mocking laugh behind his head. "You wanted this."

"What is it?" Jeongguk's voice came out harsher than he intended to. His mind is screwing him up.

Taehyung flinched a little at the tone and immediately nodded. He inhaled a deep breath and made himself understand that be happy that just his tone is harsh and he didn't tell him to just fuck off.

"I want to start working at the Jeon Corporations. I will intern for a month and then I will start working. This is my last semester, hyung, so I need an internship anyway. I hope it won't be too much of a problem for you." Taehyung said as Jeongguk creased his eyebrows and looked at him.

"You don't even need my permission, it's yo—"

"I know, I know it's my company. How can I forget it when that was literally my first birthday gift from you. I am not taking your permission but rather informing you because maybe that company is in my name, it is still yours. And another reason why I am telling you this is because I think it's enough now." Taehyung said as Jeongguk stared back at him in sheer confusion dancing on his face.

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