CH 17.2 Battle's Aftermath

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"Rile, you must get better," Gabe started in his best Clan Heir tone, but he faltered. He clasped Rile's limp forearm. Alex needs you. I need you. Who else will keep me in check and stop me from becoming a pompous old Clan Head? Can you imagine how awful that would be? Come back to us."

Gabe patted Rile's forearm and gently laid it back down. "Do you need anything, Alex?" he asked. At her head shake, he stood up and walked out of the infirmary.

Cale caught up with him and bumped his shoulder gently. "How are you, brother?"

"I feel like I passed some kind of test. At least, I hope that I did."

Cale draped his arm around his shoulders. "I think we both have."

Cale spotted Alex sitting on the bedroll, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke to Rile. He wanted to give them privacy, but couldn't help overhearing her recitation of "whither thou goest, I goest." He quietly approached and gently squeezed Alex's shoulder.

"I can't bear the thought of losing you if my brother doesn't make it," Cale said. "Promise me you won't take your own life, whether it be in battle or otherwise."

Alex stayed quiet, her gaze fixed on Rile's sleeping form.

Cale knelt beside her and snaked his arm around her waist. "I couldn't bear it. It would leave me and Gabe alone. He'll lean on me and I'll have no one to lean on. I need you. Please." He turned and pulled her into a hug and laid his head on top of hers. "Please swear."

"You've never asked me for a single thing," Alex said. "I bet you've never been selfish once in your life, so you go for the gold the one time you are."

"Yes." He tightened his arms around her. "Now swear."

She sighed. "I swear. And I hate you," she said in a tone that told him that she didn't hate him at all.

She rested her head against his chest and her tears soaked into his tunic. He ran gentle circles on her back and didn't care one thing about a test. He cared about Alex and his brother.

Cale stood in the corner of the tent, watching Alex treat his brother Rile's injuries. He noted how careful and gentle she was as she worked, her hands moving with precision and confidence. As evening approached, Cale knelt down beside her for a closer look.

"Alex, what type of power are you using?" Cale asked, studying her face.

Alex looked up at him with a small frown. "Purely analgesic," she replied. "I don't want to knock him out with any sedative powers."

"I understand that, but even analgesic powers can have inherent sedative properties that we can't control. Have you co nsidered using a stimulant instead?" Cale suggested.

Alex's eyebrows furrowed in thought. "But won't that make his pain worse?"

Cale nodded, knowing it was a risk they would have to take. "It might, but it could also give him enough energy to fight off the effects of the dark powers Tida used on him. Maybe you should try it after a dose of analgesia," Cale suggested.

With a resigned sigh, Alex nodded. Cale couldn't tell when she shifted powers, but at the end of her treatment, Rile sighed and rolled onto his side, curling up.

"That's a good sign." Cale squeezed her shoulder before she snuggled down with Rile for the night.


As the sun peeked over the horizon, Alex reluctantly emerged from her bedroll and stretched her stiff limbs. She glanced over at Rile's sleeping form, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. Determined to treat his wounds in peace, she started her power before the healer could make his rounds.

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