F.Foward x 2

42 5 0

Hannah Marie Jordan P.O.V

"You stupid as fuck you dumb ass girl." Opening my eyes to see Cam standing over me as I held onto my head as I laid spread out across my bed. My blood leaked out from the cut that stained my white sheets.

"Stoppp," I whined as I slid my hand behind my ear I woke up flinching trying to take my arm from him as he held onto my arm.

"Fuck you mean stop you fuckin bleeding." He said examining my arm as the blood had dried up but made a huge mess. Since I was a heavy bleeder it looked worse than it was.

"I'm fine get off me."

"Shut up."

"why are you here?" Since no one was supposed to find me. I just had to be up early enough to pick up Zi from school.

"Because you ain't answer when I called."

"And how did you get in."

"I called Nel she called yo sister she told me where the key was."

"Did you consider I didn't want to be bothered?" Seeing that it was two and I was late to the school to pick Zion up I had to be there at 2:15. Getting up from the bed only to be pushed down by him coming in with a hand full of shit.

"I got to go."

"You ain't going nowhere Nel went to pick yo son up." Rolling my eyes as I watched him clean my wrist washing it as I watched him.

"Damn." I flinched at the green alcohol he dropped in the cut the band-aid he spread across with the cars as decorations.

"Thanks," I mumbled trying to get only to be pushed down again.


"Make me." Looking up to him as he stood there like he was somebody's daddy.

"Cam you move I have to get my child and sister." I said nicely as he just glared at me.

"Why the fuck did you cut yo self?"

"I did it on accident."

"I'll slap the shit out you stop playing with me, girl."

"I wish you would."

"The fuck you do that shot for."
"I was going through something."

"This the fucking answer? What if your sister was doing this dumbass shit." He held my arm up to my face as I looked at the bandage. Pushing my eyebrows together as I snatched away from him as he gazed at me.

"It's not the same." I said to him.

"What the fuck Is it then."

"It's how I deal with shit Cam."

"Grow the fuck up why the fuck don't you pick the phone up if you got a problem."

"Because I don't have nobody but me."

"Bullshit you could pick the phone up anytime."

"and tell you about shit I been through."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because I was raped and everything I go through goes back to that how do you help me with that." I questioned him as his eyes bucked at me.


"I was raped Camdyn everything I go through somehow ties back to that how do you help? When I wake up scared what do you want me to say? When I have people telling me I lied and ruined the family I come from and how they are doing shit to me to get even what do you tell me?"

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