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Hannah Marie Jordan P.O.V
October 21st

Laid in bed the last thing I wanted to do was get the fuck out the bed early this morning my mom called telling me Grandma passed. Even though she was sick she was the life of the party in visioning all the sleepovers we had as kids. Laying in bed with her while my mother was out of town. Where she would sit on the sofa on Saturday afternoon and let me and tunka cuss each other out before chasing us around the tiny home she had. Where we spent every Sunday after church minus my mother's husband. Just us having family time.

"I don't want to go." Veah spoke to me as she came into my room getting in beside Zion who slept right under me. By the time he was born she was already sick so he didn't get a chance to know her like us.

"Stay home." I mumbled rolling over so she could see my face. Knowing that she was crying I guess we were going down mama this morning to be with her if she wasn't already with my aunts.

"Hannah." Hearing tunka call out to me. He was my older cousin he was 4 months older than me and thought he knew everything.

"What?" Walk in stretching out at the foot of the bed I don't know why everyone wanted to get in my bed. He must have just got to town. Tunk stayed downtown Atlanta unlike everyone else who stayed in the outskirts of Atlanta in the country.

"Ian need this shit today I got court Friday."

"I just don't want this."

"Ugh." I kicked the cover getting up from my bed kicking tunka not on purpose just annoyed. Going to wash my face and brush my teeth before showering. Doing my usual routine making sure that I was clean before headed to get underclothes going back in the bathroom dressing in the pajama shorts and T-shirt I had on the counter. Needing to take my sew in down to let K redo it combing it in place adding deodorant. Coming out to only see Veah and Zi. Walking downstairs to see tunka and Nerry smoking. Usually no one smoked in my house but the mood was already heavy I just went to make breakfast. Opening the patio door to hear the pouring rain. Walking past Nerry pulling me to him he wrapped his around me as I stood between his legs.Tunka stood walking out the apartment door on the phone.

"You know I'm here for you." He said accepting his hug before sitting with him. Checking my phone to see a few messages deciding to just call out for the day. Seeing the DM.

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Confused as to why he was sending me his number when I had already talked to his brother ignoring the DM.

"Y'all niggas ain't got no chill." He said coming in the apartment again this time with my mother and brother. Staying next to Nerry who comforted me as I just sat listening to others cry. I needed Tylenol bad as it was just to far.

"My mama died." She cried opening my arms for her to come to. Leaning back to my younger brother who stood behind her with bags. Confused as to why they had bags.  Making me straight face him and he returned the look.  She stood up dramatic hell yes.

"I'm trying to be the bigger person and that bitch going to tell she think I should find somewhere else to stay." She sniffed why was the funeral in Moonville and not Chapellane hills I'm confused.

"I thought grandma wanted to be buried with her mother and sisters." Tunka said sitting from the couch letting her sit down.

"Her and deddy need to be together." She mocked someone rolling her eyes since my mother was the baby of four girls and two brothers both who passed away.

"Fuck they deddy."Hearing her voice crack all my grandma kids except my mom had the same dad. And her older sister punished her for things she couldn't control. My mom told us they never got along even as kids but to this day they had a wishy-washy relationship. When they were good they stayed for maybe a few months then out the rest of the time. And it's been like that since we were kids and they are close to 50 year old women. The only thing that baffles me is no one sat them down to talk they just let that shit keep going on. Holding her as she cried what felt like hours hearing my phone ring leaving her to pick up the phone.

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