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November 13th

Friday was the last day of school until Thanksgiving break was over. So when school let out I took Zion to see my mom and dad. I dropped Veah off to my mother only for her to bed to go home. I took Zion to his grandmother's house because they were leaving Saturday not Monday as his dad said to me so he would now be back Sunday after Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, I met his dad's new girlfriend Dede who was using my son to impress. Before I got home my mother called asking me to cash app seventy-five dollars to pay for my part of Thanksgiving dinner like my brothers who didn't have but paid it. Telling her I didn't plan to come I had plans for her to bitch and complain. Stopping off at Chipotle got myself a steak bowl came home shower then snuggling for a few days before I had to leave the house. I collected some snacks from the kitchen I bought earlier and my cold bottle of wine I left in the fridge all week for today. Pouring me a glass of the peach-flavored wine from Kroger that did the job even though it was cheap. Tossing my blanket on the footrest as I turning on almost Christmas. And enjoy my kid-free break. Couldn't nothing ruin this for me.

   - Later on-


Not paying my door any attention expecting the bad kids that needed their ass whooped.


"HAN!!" Getting up to the door to find Camdyn opening the door to see night had fallen. Shit, I must have taken a nap because it was daylight when I came in.
"What?"I asked letting him limp inside and come in as something leaked trailing him over the hardwood floors.
"Are you bleeding?" I asked stepping over it since I was barefoot he stood at the table.

"My leg got fucked up." He said laying his head on the back of the chair as the blood dripped creating a puddle under his right leg.

"Why the fuck you ain't go to the hospital camdyn?" I questioned passing him coming to his face annoyed that it was peaceful until now.

"Because too much shit going on some fuck nigga cut me."

"you mean stabbed you are leaking."

"Man, you can bitch later help clean this shit up." Leaning up he lifted his pants to show the deep cut that revealed his flesh.

Gagging at the sight of the wound because he needed a doctor now.

"Help, bitch I ain't no fucking doctor I can't stitch you up."  

"Can you make it to my car?" I said seeing my keys on the counter trying not to slip in the blood. Getting on the left side of him touching his arm trying to help him move.

"aaaaaa." he hollered out making me move back.

"Han I can't go to no fucking hospital you gone have  to help me." I only had bandaids and not even the good ones

"Are you out your got damn mind your damn flesh is showing, you are losing blood and you are being exposed to germs that could kill you. I'm calling 911." I said picking my phone up and dialing the number to get him help before be passed the fuck out.

"911 how can I help you."
"You okay?" If you could tell I handle stress well on the inside I was stress scared.

"yes I need medical care this man is gushing blood from his leg I think he's been stabbed." answering the bullshit questions she asked me about how him. Hearing the sound of the sirens as Cam hissed in pain since he had been waiting a while for help. Opening my front door for them to come in getting old towels out of the hall closet so no one with trip over the mess.

"You called?"  The older white EMT asked seeing neighbors outside the doors and some people peeping through the blinds.

"FUCK." he hollered

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