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"Fuck you leave me fa?" Opening my eyes getting up seeing a pissed-off Camdyn and Rio sitting at the bar in my house. Wiping the sleep from my eyes as I sat up unable to leave since I didn't have on panties.

"I left you only for you to follow me." I questioned him chuckling at the irony of the situation. Just closing my eyes there was no way he broke in my shit to question me about anything.

"Hannah you laugh like I won't slap you stop playing with me." uninterested in his conversation or him thinking he was hitting me.

"You couldn't wait until I got back to leave."

"Rio he ain't my man he's ava where she at huh? Why you ain't harassing her about not sitting with  your ass." I said sitting up not caring who saw my ass.

"Can you get out?" I said to him.

"I ain't going no fucking where you left me at the hospital stranded for fucking hours I'm blowing your shit up." He said glaring at me as I lay there. 

"Sure did brought my ass home I'm not playing girlfriend to no nigga especially one that keeps hurting me. Go be with one of them hoes."

"I don't know why I deal with yo young stupid ass." Letting the words fall off me as he slung insults. He has already broken my heart again.

"Me either."

"Get the fuck out and take your brother." I demanded him because not only did you break into my fucking house you and the nerve to have a damn accomplice. Like if I called the police both they ass wouldn't go to jail.

"I got to go Jales off."He said holding onto his cell phone.

"If I leave this time I ain't coming back."


"You tough now but the moment I get with a bitch you crying."

"You already did and you right here arguing with me at 4 in the morning while she rest. I had a baby on you and you right here. I fucked two other niggas and you right here wanted to fight them."

"This time I'm make sure your little ass cry." he smirked standing to his foot grabbing the crutches leaving with his brother that waited on him. Locking the door behind him.

Thanksgiving day!!!

Since I was in the slumps I didn't feel like doing anything. But talking to Zion and Veah lifted my spirits a bit I laid in bed the last few days working starving myself with no taste for food. Just orange Gatorade water and any liquor on my counter. As the days went on I watched Cam's page become more and more active every day a different bitch hugged up. I even made a fake Instagram to view his stories until he sent me a friend request.

"Ion know if I want to go out." I told Pook as he called me telling me he needed a ride now.

"Man, I eat this jail shit every day I need real fucking food today. Get your lazy ass out the bed."

"Pook I'm tired nigga don't y'all ever take a break." I told him not wanting to get up I had until 12 to get out of bed.

"What yo period on?"

"Can I be down damn?"

"Hell naw you started this shit you going. Come scoop me we pulling up on tunk bitch ass."

"He lives too damn far to pull up his sorry ass he needs to be over his mama or Keundra's since they had a party last night." I said see the pictures of Nerry and Camdyn sitting drinking beers he just posted on his page.

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