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Hannah Marie Ford P.O.V
December 10th

Placing my feet on the cold tile as I slipped out of Nerry's bed unsatisfied with the wack performance that he had given. He offered me head only to bite me and try to stick his dick in me. Stepping into my black thong before my bra was fastened back to my chest as he lay there without a care in the world. Finally putting my sweater dress and boots on. I felt a mess. Stepping inside my boots as I collected my keys walking out the room inside the dark living room out the door into the cold air and my truck. Reversing the truck living in the country driving down the dark road listening to pressure as I road singing along. With no real destination, I dialed one number that I could call and be kept company.

"I had a bad dream." I spoke to my baby daddy who I knew didn't care and just wanted to fuck but since I didn't want to be alone. I figured I could lay in bed with him for a while just until I got out of my funk.

"Stop bullshitting Han." Rolling my eyes as I turned into the convenience store on beckon parking as I waited for him to tell me to come on so I could get in bed.

"I'm serious Shawn I don't want to sleep alone." I said opening my purse and grabbing my card so I could get myself some snacks. The fact that he was still entertaining me I knew I could come by.

"Where your nigga?" rolling my eyes as I opened my car door waiting on the come on but he wanted to play.


"Tell me you done with him?" Getting out of the truck taking my phone.

"I wouldn't be on the phone with you if I was." I said to him stepping out the doorway with a smile on my face.

"Come on." Agreeing hanging up the phone.Walking inside the store to find Rio standing at the register.

"What's good mean as girl." He said hugging me as I walked inside the store.

"trying to get some snacks." I said to him walking away from him. Picking up a bag of hot fries and a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup king size.

"You talk to Nin." We had texted she had gone home to her mother for a couple of weeks.

"Not lately." I lied to him.

"Bruh yall lie so fucking bad. You know damn well she avoiding me I should be able to see my daughter." Before I could reply to what he said he answer the phone. Opening the cold freezer door grabbing a water before checking out.

The sound of police sirens sounded.

"Anything else." shaking my head no checking out before paying and leaving the store to find rio in the doorway with two other dudes.

"Yo run over on Berry Ave pick Cam up right quick."

"I wish the fuck I would."

"Stop being childish." Rolling my eyes before agreeing to save his ass once again. Climbing in my jeep headed towards berry only to run into a road block. Opening my purse grabbing my license and registration before waiting to pull up to the officer that flashed a light in my face.

"Where you headed?" He asked me when my car forced to the stop.

"Home." I answer turning my head as his whiteass flash that light in my eyes before around my car.

"License and registration." Handing him my card as he circled my car with his flash light as the other officers moved cars. After stepping away brief bringing me my cards allowing me to go get Camdyn. Turning down the side road that took me over Coverson St riding the dark road until I made it to MLK Street. Turning left on Berry Ave where is this dummy. Picking my phone up seeing my baby dad called. Opening my blocked contacts hitting the asshole button before calling it hopefully he ain't changed his number or I was out.

"Where you at?" I asked him as I rolled my eyes slightly annoyed I was doing this.

"Wayne's." Turning my car down the side of Projects that was lit up with people outside. Moving quickly to the store behind it to see a few niggas. Scanning them to find Camdyn only to come up short but the store door opened and him and a big guy walked out the store headed to my truck. Why was someone always with this nigga can he walk alone? Hitting the lock button turning up the music I didn't pay much attention to.

"What's good?" He spoke snatching my door open getting inside the truck as my back door opened seeing the guy getting in.

"Can I help you?" I asked looking back at him as he moved my child seat over.

"you'll give me a ride to Shoreside ill pay you." He said to me accepting his offer since he was passing me forty bucks for a across town.

"Where you coming from?" Why it ain't even your fucking business a thank you should be the only thing he said but where I'm coming from.

"Minding my business." I said turning headed down Lee street until we got to the tunnel leaving the west side headed to the other side of town a few cop cars was out.

Picking my phone up as I drove see rashawn calling me probably wondering where I was I should've been there by now.

"Who the fuck calling you?" Nosey aren't we as many bitches as he fuck now he worried about who or what I was doing.

"I don't know." I said hearing him smack his lip as he sat there with his lips pressed together.

Ignoring the call as we road only for him to pull out his phone texting and dialing the rest of the way. Turning the music up that played a drake song as I drove intim I made it to Shells gas station in front of the apartments.

"Aye stop by steak n shake."Agreeing pulling into the parking lot allowing him to get out the car yawning as I sat waiting time was move it is 1:33 in the morning. Rubbing my eye sleepy turning the heat down a bit.
"You getting out with him?"

"Nawl I'm going home."

"I'm not going back to that side of town." I said I probably should have asked first hand but I didn't oh well. Shrugging the thought off continuing to just be quiet because he was the last person I wanted to talk to.

"What you got a attitude for you fucked me over?"

"And how I do that?"

"fuck you mean
"Like I said what?" Cutting him off from speaking bullshit I definitely didn't want to hear.
"you want to talk about everything but where you been?"
"Because it ain't your business." I answered him.
"You still trying to be tough you just don't learn." starting my car as his friend return with a bag and a cup. Driving him on round until we reached Shoreside apartments

"Right there." He said getting back in him and Camden talked until he told me to stop at the second brick building to let him out.
"Get the fuck out."
"The fuck I look like getting out over here. Take me home."
"Get whatever bitch you fucking to come get you and get out." I said waiting as he didn't move.
"Put me out."
"You really aggy as fuck."
"You childish." Driving him back across town to his aunt house since that was his residents.
"And you stupid." Mumbling under my breath as I waited on Jackson street light to change and so I could drop him off at the house.

Enjoy 🤨

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