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Hannah Marie Jordan P.O.V

"You have a collect call from Cam at moonville county jail to accept the charges three." Moving my phone for my ear pressing the three hearin the dial tone before the rules started playing.

"Hannah call my aunt tell her I'm trying to call her I got locked up." Was the first thing he said to me as I held the phone to my ear.

"How about Hannah I'm fucking sorry I lied to you." I said wiping my tears from my face.

"Hannah I'm fucking sorry I lied to you. There call my fucking aunt." He said rudely as he was asking no telling me what to do.

"Call your fucking girlfriend have her do that bullshit." I said to him hanging up the phone wishing I had someone to hold me as I cried. Only for the phone to ring back and it started all over again.

"What Camdyn? What the fuck do you want?" I cried in the phone.

"Call my fucking aunt I'm in fucking jail." Doing as told calling only to get her voice mail.

"Call fucking Rio stupid ass." Calling his number to get an answer I told him that Camdyn was in jail he told me to tell him he would handle it. After hanging up I clicked back over to hear his voice.


Blinking since someone was lifting my eye lids up as I dreamed. Since I wasn't working today or tomorrow I figured a little rest wouldn't hurt especially while everyone was away.

"Shouldn't you be at school." I asked him pulling him in my personal space to kiss his face a few times. Pinching his nose together letting him pick at my morning breath.

"Stop go brush your teeth."  He told me trying to shake me off his body. Letting go standing from my bed doing as told before falling him down to the kitchen. It had been a few days since the funeral and my mom was still at my house I think she was tap dancing on everyone's good nerve. I don't know if she felt like an outcast or a burden. I had given her my soft king size bed leaving me to choose between Zi in his twin size bed that he slept wild in or Veah who was fucking in her queen size bed. Picking the grey sofa that was so comfortable it slept like a fucking king size with the adjustable piece. But no every night someone followed me to bed. First Zi because he didn't want to sleep alone after a good pep talk and kids cartoons he was back in bed. Then Veah who needed to vent about Caleb after a good talking to she went back to her room maybe to call him I don't care. Lastly the one that I couldn't shake my mom told me we could share my bed. Telling her to enjoy it she refused every morning I woke up to her. Deciding to just go back to my room to start over.

"Good morning." My mother Veronica laughed  since I slept the day away.  Holding a cup of something standing behind zi at the table as he ate food that I didn't know that she cooked. Veah sat on the typing she looked at me then her phone back to me.

"Hannah make you a plate." Picking up my phone from the counter seeing two missed calls from Keundra and a text from Veah. Unlocking my phone to see her message.

Veahbarbie- get mama she wouldn't let Caleb come over.

"Of course." Deciding to go ahead and call Keundra see what she had going on.

"Bitch, where you been all day?"

"I was sleeping what's going on." I said to her.

"Shit binky throwing some meat on the grill come over." I had been cope up in the house for a couple of weeks I needed air an I could control myself if I had to run into 'Duke'.

"Give me like an hour I'll be on." I told her hanging up my phone from my ear I made me a plate of meatloaf mashed potatoes cream corn and cabbage and a cornbread muffin.

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