Battle 43: Round One Begin!

Start from the beginning

James: You've got to hold your temper, or people will start to get suspicious! So, act like a TV reporter, not some radio talk show host! Besides, you know what the boss will do when he finds out. James shivered at the thought of being turned into a punching bag for Levi's Pokémon.

Jessie: You're right. Besides, it would be a crime for this face to wind up on radio.

Meowth: You scare me.

In the rock field, we see Niko preparing to battle Katrina.

In the rock field, we see Niko preparing to battle Katrina

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Niko: May the best trainer win!

Katrina: I plan to!

Announcer: Now we await to see which Pokémon our trainers will use.

Niko: Elekid, go! Elekid materializes.

Duplica: Niko brought out a Elekid?

Kota: Interesting. I'm curious to see how well he does.

Katrina: Nidorina, on the double! Nidorina materializes.

Pokédex: Nidorina, the Poison Pin Pokémon

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Pokédex: Nidorina, the Poison Pin Pokémon. The female is usually docile. However, if it becomes enraged, it will attack wildly with bites and scratches.

Announcer: And the first battle is Niko's Elekid against Katrina's Nidorina. The referee raises his flags.

Referee: Let the match begin!

Niko: Let's get this rolling. Elekid, Thunder Punch! Elekid lands a Thunder Punch directly on Nidorina.

Announcer: Unbelievable! Nidorina took that attack full on.

Katrina: We ain't gonna take that lying down! Nidorina, use Take Down! Nidorina charges.

Niko: Dodge, then use Thunder Punch again! Elekid dodged the oncoming attack and strikes back, but Nidorina dodged.

Announcer: Amazing! Elekid started off with a powerful Thunder Punch but Nidorina is keeping it on its toes with its speed!

Katrina: Use Poison Sting!

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