EPILOGUE- Contention Twenty-Four: Reason for Round Decision

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I woke up in the morning.

Today was the start of my new life as a family with my mom and Ryan officially!

I look over at my bed stand, my eyes meeting the alarm clock.


I quickly jumped up from my bed and began to get ready for today.

Today is such a special day. I can't be late!

I skimmed through my closet to find my suit for the wedding. I ignored my heart's true desires as my fingers passed the hanger carrying the glory of my University of Chicago hoodie.

I finally put on my suit and put a piece of bread in the toaster.

While the bread toasted, I ran to the bathroom to begin my skincare routine.

"Jelly Cleanser, 7 Layers of Rice Water Toner, Snail Mucin by Cosrx, Beauty of Joseon Cream with snail mucin. Do this twice a day, at night and in the morning. Innisfree Sunscreen in the morning," I repeated to myself completing each step to make sure I looked radiant today.

I heard the click from the toaster, indicating my toast was ready. I snatched my bag, slapped butter on my piece of toast, unplugged my toaster, and bolted out the door, flailing my arms around to run quicker.


"Here's my little NATIONAL CHAMPION!" my mom exclaimed, hugging me.

"Mom, it's been a month. You don't have to announce it every time you see me-"

"No, we do, champ," Ryan joined us and patted my shoulder, "It's a huge deal, and we're unimaginably proud!"

"I'm sure everyone knows by now because of how much you guys mention it!"

"Well, we have to be good parents and embarrass our kid, don't we?"


I smiled to myself.

We're finally a family.

I laughed, "You two should go enjoy your day!"

"Hmm, fine," my mom and Ryan looked at each other and beamed.

"But don't think you're safe from our embarrassment for the rest of the night."


Ryan and my mom left to go talk to other guests.

I sat down at a nearby table and looked around.



All at once...

It is...perfect...

A familiar pair of arms reached over my shoulders, and I laughed.

"Hi, Anthony."

"Hi, Adrian."

We were face to face, and I looked deeply into his eyes, "Thank you for making it tonight!"

"Of course, I wouldn't let down your mom!"

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"And I guess," he exaggerated his words "I had to come here for you."

"Well, thank you for gracing me with your presence," I answered sarcastically and put my hands together to show my fake appreciation.

"Of course!"

"Wait, wait," I stood up and grabbed something, hiding it behind me, "I got you something."


I unveiled his gift and handed it to him.

In his hands, he held a bouquet of delicate, tubular yellow flowers with slender stems that intertwined gracefully amongst each other.

"You remembered?" Anthony asked, astonished and slightly flustered.

"How could I not?" I teased, "Honeysuckles are such a complicated flower to find for a bouquet.
"Well, I am a very complicated guy," Anthony shrugged, trying to shrug off his blushing face.

"You are."

"That's the part where you're supposed to deny it."

"Oh my bad."

"Mhm, yeah it is."

We were about to continue playfully bickering when slow music began to play. "Mia and Sebastian's Theme" from La La Land filled the air, and Anthony extended his hand out to me.

"Do you want to dance?"

"I guess, I'll grace you by dancing with you."

"Oh, shut up!"

Anthony and I moved to the dance floor and started swaying to the music together.

I hummed along to the music, and Anthony spoke up, "Now that we're back together again I'm going to force you to finish watching One Piece with me."

"Oh, I can't wait," I feigned enthusiasm.

He laughed, "I'll get you to like it eventually."

I laughed, and he continued, "You know, this won't be our last wedding together."

"Oh really?"


"You're right," I said, "I can't wait for Wallace and debate to get married."

"Shut up. You know what I mean!"

I smiled and looked at him, "I do, but at least, for our wedding, actually get a fitted suit."

"Wow, is the current suit not doing it for you?"

"Nah, I'd prefer it if it wasn't so box-like."

We laughed, and Anthony smiled sweetly at me, "I meant it back then."


The soft brush of his cheek against mine sends shivers down my spine, "That I am going to love you forever."

Then, as if guided by some unseen force, our lips met in a gentle kiss. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes, conveying all the emotions we felt but couldn't quite put into words and all the struggles we had overcome to get to this exact moment.

Breathless, we pulled away and smiled at each other. I knew that this dance would be a memory we would cherish forever, a reminder of the love and connection that bound us together, now and always.

The plan did work.

I fell for him, and he fell for me.

Whether you ask me during cross or during prep time, in the end, the plan had and always will have solvency.

Solvency: You're MineМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя