Contention Twenty-One: Ring of Fire

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"OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU," I jumped into Anthony's arms as breaks for semifinals came out.

Girl, you're gonna what? 🤨



Anthony laughed as he held me, "WE MADE IT!"



"Okay," I looked at him, "We already completed my goal to get past quarters, so from here on out, however far we make it, I am so so so proud of us! "

"Me too! You're amazing, Adrian!"

"No, Anthony, you're incre-"

"Anthony!" Alexa chirped in a sing-songy tune, approaching us.

Oh my god, does this bitch not have anyone else to bother?

In between rounds, for the past few hours, Alexa has been coming by to "visit" us, yapping nonstop about what she would've done in the round and how her Congress rounds went.

"Oh...hi, Alexa," Anthony replied, letting go of me.

"How was quarters?" he asked.

She laughed, "So good. I had to have Gubham help me stand, but my delivery was so good, I know I'm breaking to sems on that alone. Plus, no one in that chamber had questions or speeches as good as mine, so expect to see me on stage. Gubham, flip my hair."

"Who's Gubham-"

A tiny, mousy, debater snuck out from behind and sassily flipped her hair for her since the full-body cast rendered her immobile.

"He's my assistant," Alexa explained, "Since this stupid cast doesn't let me move, and Olivia is too busy in LD outrounds, Gubham is helping me move around."

"Hi, there," Gubham spoke up, pushing his wide-frame glasses up his nose and his LEGO minifigure hair out of the way and raising his pointer finger up as he talked, "I'm Gubham Shupta."

I subtly whispered to Anthony, "I could buy his hair for 5 robux."

Anthony tried his hardest not to laugh but eventually broke.

I hit his arm and laughed, "You can't be laughing when you have the exact same haircut."

"Hey! Mine looks better!" he joked back quietly.

Alexa noticed our canoodling and coughed to get our attention, "Anyway, what are you doing right now, Anthony?"

"Prepping for semis," he replied as we both turned back to our laptop screens.

"Oh, cool, what side?"

"Neg. Hey, Alexa, we're kind of busy, right now. Could you-"

"GUBHAM, GET ME A COFFEE!" Alexa ordered, ignoring Anthony's attempt to get rid of her.

Gubham nodded and scurried away to retrieve the items.

I continued to type on my computer, now jabbing at every key instead of softly typing as I previously was before her dreaded arrival.

It was as if she was like an Amazon Alexa saying "Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding right now" because she simply could not comprehend that we did not want her here.

"Here's your coffee, Miss Seok," Gubham scuttled out of the hallways like a rat scuttling out of a sewage pipe and placed Alexa's drink on the table.

"Anyway," Alexa began to yap again, "I had Gubham push me towards the other representatives-"

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