Miu In The Hot Seat (1)

Start from the beginning

   "And what better idea is this?" Kirumi inquired. 

   "Himiko, would you do the honors of explaining, my love?" Kokichi asked grandly, kissing the back of Himiko's hand. 

   "Why, certainly, Kokichi," Himiko replied with a dainty curtsy as she slightly lifted the hem of her Supreme Lady dress. "Kokichi and I sensed that everyone wasn't satisfied with Kaito's Rainy Day Indoor Activities. So...we-"

   "Whaddya mean you guys aren't satisfied with Kaito's Rainy Day Indoor Activities?!" Kaito demanded. "I-Is that true, everyone?!" The others turned away, either coughing or whistling to themselves. 

    "Kaito, don't interrupt the Supreme Lady when she's talking!" Kokichi ordered. He turned to Himiko. "Proceed, Monkey Buns."

   "Nyeh...so, Kokichi and I thought that instead of playing a game, it would be much more fun to be part of a game," Himiko finished.

   "Part of a game?" Shuichi repeated. "What exactly do you mean by that?" Kokichi and Himiko grinned at each other.

   "We meeeaaaan..." Kokichi said, flipping one of the switches in the living room. Suddenly, the whole living room transformed! The carpet beneath them slipped mysteriously from underneath their feet to reveal a shiny tiled floor. The couch dropped into the floor and was replaced with two rows of eight seats. In front of them, the entertainment system where the TV and video game consoles sat dropped into the floor, as well, and was replaced by a large projector screen. A podium in the middle of the living room rose out of the ground and faced the projector screen. The wall of the living room opened up, and out came five classroom desks. The light above began to fade, leaving a dimly-lit glow in the room. Everyone looked around in shock at what was happening.

   "Welcome to...'Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Gradeeerrrr!!!'" Kokichi and Himiko announced in unison. 

   "Whoa! But, how did...how..." Kaede stammered, looking around the transformed living room. 

   "What the hell is goin' on?!" Kaito exclaimed.

   "W-W-What happened to the living room?!" Tenko yelled.

   "Don't ask. Just go along with it," Kokichi said. "Anyhoo, you guys are now part of a game show! And Himiko and I are the host!"

   "Two hosts?!" Miu exclaimed. "Don't game shows usually have one host?"

   "Not two hosts...one host," Kokichi corrected.

   "But there are two of you guys!" Angie chirped.

   "Nope! Himiko and I are two halves a whole supreme cutie pie!" Kokichi said with a cheeky grin. "She's the yin to my yang! The peanut butter to my jelly! The Morticia to my Gomez!"

   "That's right! Without each other, we're not complete," Himiko said. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 3 (Return of the Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now