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TWELVE. the tunnel of love

the lightning thief !


JUDE STRAYED A LITTLE ways away from the other two half-bloods as they walked in front of a rusty looking amusement park. It honestly seemed as though the park had been abandoned. But, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity as they got closer to it. He truly felt as if he had seen it before, or maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

The rusty sign that read 'Welcome to Waterland' looked as though it was two seconds away from collapsing in on itself, and the flickering lights gave the park an eerie aura. "I haven't seen a lot of horror movies, but this seems like exactly the kind of place they'd suggest to avoid." Percy said and Jude hummed in agreement as he took a step closer now side-by-side with the other two.

"I've never seen any kind of movie." Jude felt his mouth fall open as he turned to look at Annabeth. Sure, he knew that she had come to camp at a young age, but she hadn't seen a movie before that? "I'll have to take your word for it?"

"Never? What do you mean 'never,' like, 'never-never?'" Percy asked in disbelief and Jude shook his head in shock. "Is there another kind?" Annabeth questioned. Jude leaned forward a bit as they started walking, making eye contact with Percy. "We need to fix that." Percy nodded with his eyes a little wide. "Definitely. You're missing out." He turned to look at Annabeth as he said the last bit.

The three of them stopped after they had reached the actual entrance to the park, looking at the revolving 'door' in front of them. "In the meantime, we should probably get this over with, though." Jude pursed his lips as he nodded, looking at the door with a questioning gaze. He wasn't sure if he could 100% trust this place at all. How had Ares lost his shield there, anyway? There's no way it wasn't just any old amusement park. Jude looked around for a moment and swiftly pointed at the fence guarding the park.

"Let's climb over. I don't trust the gate." Annabeth nodded along with Jude's proclamation and the two of them headed straight for the fence. Percy looked between the two of them for a moment before muttering something that Jude didn't quite pick up on. Nonetheless, he followed after the two of them.

It didn't take too long for the three of them to climb over, but Jude kind of wished he had been the one to stay with Ares now. The whole place was giving him the heebie-jeebies.

Jude swallowed but followed after the two other half-bloods through the dark, furrowing his eyebrows at the names of the rides. Like Ankle-Biter Island or Head Over Wedgie. He decided it was best if he didn't question it.

Not too long after passing those weird rides, they stumbled across a gift shop. There were many different things that were available to purchase. The clothes were the only thing that caught Jude's eye, though. He had been wearing the same clothes for too long and he definitely wouldn't have minded to get out of them.

"Clothes." Annabeth breathed out. "Fresh clothes." She sounded almost relieved as she entered the gift shop. Percy looked at her as if she were crazy. "Yeah, but you can't just—."

"Watch me." And she grabbed the first shirt she could get her hands on. Percy scoffed and turned to look at Jude, as if expecting him to stop her. "Grab something, I'll leave some drachmas on the counter. But, this place is already abandoned." Jude reasoned and Percy sighed, going to change nonetheless. Jude walked over to the counter, dust collecting on the surface.

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