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SEVEN. the story of medusa

the lightning thief !


JUDE NERVOUSLY APPROACHED THE old building, walking directly beside of Percy, strides in sync. The faulty-looking sign sent a shock throughout his body as he looked at it. He knew where they were.

Aunty Em's.

The stone statues laid across the lawn like decorations were a dead giveaway as to where they were. This was where Medusa resided, he just knew it. But, even so, he couldn't find himself scared.

Of course, he was a little tense because of the chance that he could be turned into a stone statue, but he had heard Medusa's story many times, all from different perspectives. There was one thing that all stories had in common, though. Medusa wasn't the bad guy.

"Oh, come on," Annabeth muttered, and Jude immediately knew what she was thinking. "Aunty 'Em' has a garden full of petrified stone folks. Yeah, this is someone from our world, all right." He could hear the distaste in her voice and felt a twinge of annoyance.

"Anyone wanna guess what 'Em' is short for?" She looked between the three of them, stopping to look at Grover, who was in front of all of them, just as he came to a stop to look at the statues. "Oh," Grover said upon realization.

Jude also couldn't blame the others for wanting to leave, no matter how much he liked Medusa. "Let's get out of here, please, while we still can," Annabeth stated and the other three nodded, even Percy, who seemed a bit confused.

However, when the four of them turned around, they were met by the fury that had been chasing them since they left the bus. Percy acted quickly, shoving the box he was holding into Grover's arm, uncapping his pen. Shortly after, a sword was in his hands.

The fury stood where she was, his wings falling behind her. "You should have accepted my offer when you had the chance." Jude furrowed his eyebrows and followed the fury's gaze, eyes landing on Annabeth. He didn't know what offer she was talking about, but he assumed it couldn't have been good. "Offer? What offer is she talking about?" Percy asked the question all of them were wondering.

"Not today, friends." The fury quickly hid her face in her wings, even going as far as turning in the other direction. "Not on my doorstep." When they noticed who was approaching, they all looked away, Percy following the others as he was still a bit confused.

"If you have something to resolve, why not come inside and I'll help?" She offered the kids before she noticed the fury. "Alecto? Will you be joining us?" She shouted at her, and when Alecto didn't say anything, she got her answer. "No, well I wouldn't think you would."

"She won't bother you as long as you're with me. But it isn't as though she'll leave either, not if it means reporting that she failed to retrieve the son of Poseidon." Percy almost looked up at that, quickly catching himself and continuing to stare at the ground. "How did you--?"

Jude looked up just slightly, enough to where he could see the dress she was wearing. It was very pretty.

"A forbidden child has been claimed. How long did you think that secret would keep?" Percy furrowed his eyebrows at that, but she was indeed right. Everyone probably already knew about him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, son of Poseidon. I'm Medusa."

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