Wooshik picked and dropped Taehyung in his house. "There he comes.", Mrs Kim smiled beautiful looking at her son. Taehyung was puzzled to guests in his home as he didn't got notified by his parents. "Come here, son. Do you remember them?", Taehyung looked at his dad then at the family sitting on the couch. "How will he? He was just 4 or 5 when we left to States.", the man in early 50s said. "That's Lee Min ho and his family.", Mr Kim introduced. Taehyung bowed at everyone and sat beside his father. His eyes traveled from the man to the girl sitting near his own mom shyly and answering her questions, that's when the reality hit him.

"Hyejin, she has completed software engineering and is working at Microsoft.", Mr Kim said. "Oh, good. Keep it up.", Taehyung said. "They will be going back this Friday before that we are planning to hold a small engagement. Just our family.", Mr Kim informed. Wow. Is that fixed already? Taehyung asked himself. "Do you both want to talk to each other?", Mrs Kim asked looking between him and her. Taehyung hummed and stood up. Hyejin looked at her parents before walking behind Taehyung.

For the last fifteen Taehyung was looking ahead at the rose plant sitting on the bench in their garden and the girl who came along with him is talking non-stop which he has no idea. "Jungkook. That's his name.", Taehyung interrupted her. Hyejin looked confused. "My boyfriend.", he said. "You have a boyfriend?", she was surprised. Taehyung nodded. "Oh, I didn't know.", she said. "It's fine. We also both don't know each other. Anyways, I was saying that, I won't be able to marry you.", Taehyung informed. Hyejin looked at him a minute longer. "Can we go back to home?", he asked as they went inside. The family had dinner with guests, laughing and smiling, exchanging more business talks and less private talks.

Taehyung closed and locked the door behind once he entered his room. He took a shower before laying on the bed with his phone. He dialed Jungkook and waited but the call didn't get attended. He redialed it still no. He signed and kept the phone aside thinking Jungkook might have slept.

But on the other side, with Jungkook. "See Jungkook. Mom, mom is like that. I heard she was harsh to you. But don't worry I talked with her.", Eunwoo said looking at the boy standing in front of the hostel gate. Jungkook looked blankly at him. "She was concerned about me, that's why.", he confirmed. "That's why, I also said I want to call of this marriage. See Eunwoo, we are very common people who are happy with whatever we have. We can't afford those luxuries your family is demanding.", Jungkook said. "Oh. It's not luxuries Jungkook.", Eunwoo corrected. "Yes it is. For my dad who is getting an average salary and my mom is a very simple school teacher who earns barely. These.. these are luxuries for us.", Jungkook informed. "If you want I can help you with fund.", Eunwoo said. "Eunwoo, see it's not about fund. If we marry, I can guarantee that we will be this same kind of situations in the future also. So, it's better to drop this marriage here itself.", Jungkook said. "No. See I can tal..", "What in drop the marriage is that you don't understand?", Jungkook's eyes grew bigger when he saw Taehyung walking together them.

Taehyung waved at Jungkook and stood besides him. "I have met before.", Eunwoo rubbed his chin. "V.", Taehyung said and removed his sunglasses but still kept the mask on his face. "At the boutique, right?", Eunwoo asked. Taehyung nodded. "Why are talking between us?", Eunwoo asked. "Then who else will talk other than his boyfriend.", Taehyung said. "Boyfriend? But he told he doesn't has any boyfriend.", he asked. "Yeah. He does had at that time. But now, he has.", Taehyung said. "What do you mean by that? Aren't we engaged?", Eunwoo asked Jungkook. "Thats why, he is still my boyfriend. Otherwise he would have been my husband by now.", Taehyung said. "What's going on Jungkook? Are you cheating on me? Didn't I ask you about relationship? Then why did you say no?", Eunwoo asked furiously. "See Eunwoo. I am not cheating. Anyways the problem between us is not any relationship. It's money.", Jungkook said. "Haha. Do you think if you create these unnecessary dramas, you will able to call off this marriage and marry him? Your boyfriend?", Eunwoo laughed. "These are not created by me. It's your family.", Jungkook. "Don't you dare to speak on my family after cheating me you b..", "Sh.t, Tae.", Jungkook held Taehyung's hand tightly when he raised it to give another blow. "How dare you raise your hands on me?", the next kick was on Taehyung's nose. "F.ck. Please.. please stop. "You sh.thead.", Taehyung gave another one on his stomach who groaned. Jungkook looked around at the students who are watching everything. Since, it was night, the number of students was less. "Please leave. Don't fight here.", Jungkook pleaded.

"Hey.. why are you both fighting? Leave from here before I call police.", Jungkook looked at the watchman and then at the two brunette who are rolling on the road by hugging each other. "WTF is this?", Jimin asked Jungkook, who came running to him after the students informed him. "It's..", Jungkook's worried gaze fell on Jimin. "I am calling the police.", the watchman went to his office. "Oh sh.t. stop. Tae and Eunwoo stop. I said STOOOOPPPPPPP.", Jungkook screamed. Bot of them looked at Jungkook by fighting gripping each other's collar. "Leave for god sake before they call police.", Jungkook said. Both of them left each other's collar and stood up. "We will talk tomorrow. First leave before police come.", Jungkook said and went inside. Eunwoo and Taehyung looked at each other before parting their way to opposite sides. "Jungkook.", Jimin called him gently. "Can I get a beer? I need it badly.", Jungkook said.

..to be continued..

Until our marriage!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat