Chapter 24

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A fresh new blank page of Jungkook's life. Last day, Jungkook swiped away all memories of Taehyung. He is not that Jungkook anymore who will go behind alluring things, which means Taehyung was also a captivating item in his life. Next week it's his engagement. He will be Eunwoo's would be then after that may be in a few months or within an year, he will be his husband. Husband of Eunwoo, does he wants that?

Life won't give you everything that dreamed off, right? But we have to find happiness in what it gives us. Yes, that is what Jungkook is going to do. If Eunwoo is his destiny, he is going to find his happiness in it, just like how his family is finding their happiness in him. People believe that being a single child is a blessing, as you get all the attention and pampering of your parents all by yourself without getting it divided. But people never talk about the expectation and responsibility that comes along with it, especially when you belong to an ordinary middle class family, who lives for paying off monthly home loans, vehicle loans, other instalments and still finds their own little happiness in between all the debts. That is what Jungkook's live is. It's easy for others to advise him about this and that until they stand on his feet. So, if it's a question of own happiness and family's happiness. Of course, he will chose his family. And what was he thinking, when he took that huge step with Taehyung. Maybe his mom's prayers or all the good things that he has done in the past life or that single goodness left in Taehyung, let it be anything he was secured from making a big mistake in his life. So,.let's leave that chapters. It's past. Past should be a lesson not a nightmare to haunt us. We will not achieve anything if we dwell on it everyday.

Jungkook and Jimin walked to the college the next day and in the middle of the way, they met Harry, who is now, one of their friends. "Hey. How was the holidays? I texted you the other day but you didn't reply. Then, I tried calling but the phone was switched off.", Harry said to Jungkook. "Ah. I hardly use my phone at home. I will always be with my parents. Also, we went to Busan as we had a function.", Jungkook replied smiling. "Oh, I didn't know it. Actually why I called is to inform you that we, our college won the championship in basketball last day.", Harry said. "Really? Congrats then and we expect a treat.", Jungkook shook his hand with Harry. "Treat, yeah of course. This evening we are throwing a lite party for our friends. Will you both be able to join?", Harry asked looking between Jungkook and Jimin. "Mm. When?", Jungkook asked. "7PM", Harry replied. "What you say, Jimin?", he asked Jimin who nodded. "Yeah. We will come.", Jimin said smiling. "Cool. I will pick you both up.. maybe by 6.30PM, if it's fine?", he asked doubtfully. "Yes. That's good. We will get ready by that time.", Jungkook said. "Have time for a coffee then?", Harry asked. "Not now. The first lecture is Lee's and he has already given us a last warning for being late always.", Jungkook said smiling. "Then, let's have lunch together.", Harry said. Jungkook gave him a thumbs up before walking ahead with Jimin.

Jungkook and Jimin don't know how slow the time went as they attended all their lectures without a skip till lunch. "Oh that was a hell of a ride.", Jimin said as they walked to the cafeteria. Both of them collected their lunch plate and walked to an empty table and started eating. After five minutes, Harry also joined them as it became a routine for the trip to eat lunch together. "I expected you both yesterday. It was a wonderful match.", Harry said. "Oh, we got a little busy.", Jungkook said. "Our Jungkookie is getting engaged.", Jimin said and Jungkook, the poor boy choked on his noodles. "WHAT????", Harry shouted in disbelief. "Shhh..", Jungkook warned Harry with keeping his forefinger on his lips then looked around and bowed at the students who were looking at them mumbling sorry. "Don't scream.", Jungkook said. "Okay, but engagement??? You mean marriage?", Harry asked pointing his own ring finger. Jungkook nodded pouting. "But you haven't completed your studies.", he said. "He will continue studying.", Jimin replied. "But still engagement??? That's was fast and a shock. I never expected it.", Harry shook his head dramatically. "I too. Anyways leave that topic please. You both are making me nervous, when every time this marriage topic comes, my heart is going insane.", Jungkook said pouting. "Then no discussion about marriage. Done.", Harry said showing high five. Jungkook nodded and tapped, followed by Jimin.

"Why are you getting nervous, Jungkook?", Jimin asked as they walked back to class after lunch. "Mm?", Jungkook was confused. "Marriage.", Jimin said. "Ah. Then should I be dancing? That's a life changing moment, Jimin for everyone.", Jungkook said and both of them entered their class and sat in their respective seats. "Your life changing moment would have been that college fest, if things went from your hand and his.", Jimin said and kept silent when he saw Jungkook glaring at him. "We promised we will never bring that topic and that person again. It's a closed chapter. I don't want to open it again.", Jungkook said. "So you dumbed your boyfriend?", Jimin asked. "Oh god. He was not my boyfriend.", Jungkook said. "Okay, so you crushed your crush?", Jimin asked. "Jimin please. I don't want to remember all those things. Leave me. Everyone will make mistakes, none of us are perfect.", Jungkook said. "Yes. But not as dump as you.", Jimin laughed seeing Jungkook's eye roll.

In the evening, as informed early, Harry came to pick Jungkook and Jimin from dorm at 6.30PM. He slowed down his car and stopped in front of the gate, when he saw Jungkook standing there as beautiful and sexy as ever in a red outfit. Jungkook waved at him before getting inside the car. "Jimin?", Harry asked looking around. "Unfortunately he couldn't. He got stuck with Professor Park. Mm.. some admin work for the upcoming intercollege paper presentation conference. He asked me to tell you a huge apology and told you to give him a treat next day. ", Jungkook said once he settled in passenger seat near to Harry. "Oh, no issue. And treat I will definitely. Mm. Jungkook, can you rethink about that engagement once again? Damn it, you are looking gorgeous and hot as ever.", Harry said looking at him up and down. "Haha. Unfortunately I can't call off my engagement.", Jungkook laughed and both of them drive off to the club.

In another part of the city, Taehyung was completely inside the file he was checking for the last one hour, a mug of hot chocolate is sat on his table long forgetten. He highlighted some points in the file with the pen he was holding and that's when his phone started ringing. "Woo. Tell.", Taehyung attended the call after checking the phone screen. "Tae. Are you at the office?", Wooshik asked doubtfully. "No. At home. Why?", he asked rereading the analysis part again. "The 'Night wander' is being raided by city police just a few minutes early as they suspect some drug dealings.", Wooshik informed. "Wow. Good. There are our competitors anyways.", Taehyung said without giving much importance to the thing Wooshik is murmuring through the phone and he continued writing his analysis on the side of the margin of the file which is to be corrected later. "Mm. Some of our college students are being arrested.", Wooshik said. "Great. Wonderful.", Taehyung said and took another file to check. "Jungkook along with Harry is arrested.", "WHAT???? WHY IS HE IN CLUB?", Taehyung shouted and stood up after throwing that important file somewhere. "Don't know, bro. I think they were having a celebration. Mmm. They won the championship yesterday, right? May be a party or something.", Wooshik told the possiblity. "And for what the is he there for their celebration?", Taehyung walked to the door. "Don't know. Anyways the things are going off everyone's hands. Since, Harry is a foreigner. They are suspecting him. Above all, station is surrounded by media.", Wooshik informed. "Station? Did they take them to police station?", Taehyung asked. Wooshik hummed. "Damn it. I.. I will call you Woo.", Taehyung threw the phone on his bed while he scratched his head in frustration.

", Taehyung threw the phone on his bed while he scratched his head in frustration

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