Chapter 31

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Jungkook cupped his face once he woke up with a throbbing head after thinking about everything that happened yesterday night. If it was some other time, he would have hugged Taehyung and kissed him, but now. 'Oh god, why? Don't you want to give me a peaceful life?', he asked himself and walked to the washroom.

He went downstairs to have breakfast. "Go and get ready after having breakfast. Eunwoo's family will be here. We are going to take wedding dress.", Mrs Jeon said serving him some more rice. "Isn't it too early, mom?", he asked. "Anyways we have to buy. Early? Jungkook, only three weeks are left. Yesterday your dad booked the event planners.", She said smiling. "Ah, kook. I will show you some designs of the stage. See if you like it or not.", his dad said from the couch. Jungkook hummed.

After having breakfast, Jungkook went to room and got dressed. He was doing his makeup when Jimin came in. "Aren't you ready yet? I am ready.", Jimin sat on the bed. "You came at the right time. I was about to call you for some peace of mind.", Jungkook said after keeping the lip tint in his bag. "What happened?", Jimin asked. "It's.", Jungkook narrated everything that happened last night to Jimin only to see Jimin laughing holding his stomach rolling on the bed. "It's not funny.", Jungkook said. "Oh Jungkook. What a luck you have? Early you were head over heels for him, now he.", Jimin giggled. "No. I was not. It's past.", Jungkook said with an eye roll. "Can we go now? If you have done with your teasing. Where is Jin Hyung by the way?", Jungkook asked as he walked out of the room along with Jimin. They went downstairs and saw Jin and his mom. The family went to the designer boutique then.

Jeons family wished Eunwoo's family as they met each other in the discussed shop. "Let's go upstairs. The ruffle shirts are above.", Eunwoo's mom said and walked ahead as everyone followed her. Jungkook looked at all the shirts hanging by standing near Eunwoo and his family. He reached out his hand for a white color ruffle shirt. "This will look good on you.", Eunwoo said and took a red one. "See." he said keeping in on Jungkook's. "Mm. Its looking good.", Eunwoo's family agreed and Jungkook's family nodded. Jungkook took the red one but again reached out his hands for white one and took it. He caressed the shirt and kept it on him and looked at the mirror. "You will look more pale in white. Red will contradicts your skin color perfectly.", Eunwoo said from behind him. "oh.", Jungkook gave the white shirt back to Jimin who hung it on the shelf again. "Trail room is there, sir.", the staff informed. Jungkook turned to the fitting room but stopped when he found a similar person who is standing a few distance away with a scarf wrapped on his face as mask with other three. "Sir. that way.", the staff again said to Jungkook who is stuck in a place. Jungkook nodded and walked to fitting room but looking back at the person again and again who is watching him darkly.

 Jungkook nodded and walked to fitting room but looking back at the person again and again who is watching him darkly

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Jungkook came out of the fitting room in that red ruffle shirt and stood in front of the family. "Wow. Your selection is perfect as always.", Eunwoo's mom cheered and clicked a few snaps of Jungkook. "Jungkook will look good in everything even in a plain shirt.", Jin commented. Jungkook looked his both side as if he is searching for someone and found that same person sitting on a couch eyeing him up and down and shook his head by gesturing not good. Jungkook's mouth hang open as he was stunned.

Until our marriage!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz