Chapter 1

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Charlotte:I don't give a dam about what you have you say. I gave you millions of chances and you still do the same thing!

James:Ms.Austin please.

Charlotte:No! That's enough!

Brandon:Ms.Austin. Engfa Waraha is here. She also have a translator.

Charlotte:So you hired someone who can't fucking speak English?! I said t-

Brandon:Ma'am please. It's Engfa Waraha. She's the all time famous photographer. (Uses walkie talkie) Bring her in.

Engfa walked in with a translator and headed towards Brandon. Engfa stood next to him and bowed. He immediately bowed back and smiled before looking at Charlotte. Engfa immediately smiled and bowed to Charlotte. Charlotte bowed back before looking at Engfa.

Char(in Thai):Do you really know how to take photos?

Engfa(Nods):Chai. I went to school for it everything.

Char(in English):I have a deal. James and Engfa will take photos of me. I'll get Brandon to choose. Whoever she chooses will be my photographer got it.

James:That isn't fair. He knows you Engfa Waraha is.

Charlotte:Okay James. Who you think we should use?

James:Hey Harry! Can you come over please?

Harry:Of course man. What's up?

James:So do you know who this is?

Harry(looks at Engfa):I don't but you are so beautiful.

Engfa shook Harry and he gripped her hand so tightly but she tried not to flinch. He let go of her hand and smirked at James. Engfa told her translator forgetting Char can speak Thai as well. Charlotte walked to the area and James started to take photos. Char was annoyed because he wasn't doing what she wanted. After a few Engfa went up to take photos. She carefully fixed the light and stared at Char. She gently moved a piece of hair from Charlottes face and started to take a few photos. Charlotte was shocked and tried not to blush but she started smiling knowing she found her winner. Engfa was telling Charlotte how to pose but then she felt pain in her hand causing her to groan in pain. She couldn't use her other hand causing her to take photos with one hand. Engfa carefully held the camera and started taking a few more. But Engfa hand start to hurt extremely bad causing her to gently put her camera down and look at her hand. Char gave Engfa a bandage and immediately went to look at the photos. Engfa smiled softly while wrapping her hand up in the bandage then she put on her hand brace. Charlotte looked a the photos and gave them to Brandon then Harry.

Char(In English):Choose.

Brandon:Of course it's Engfa.

Harry:Mm James work is pretty good too.


Harry:I'm going with Engfa though. Her lighting is amazing.

Char:I was picking her anyway. James your fired and Harry your suspended for a week for injuring Engfa.

Engfa(In Thai):Mai it's okay. My hand was already hurting.

Char(stares at Engfa):Still I seen everything. Now shall we start? Tonight there will be a company dinner. I hope you'll be available to join us?

Engfa:Chai. I'll have my driver to drop me off. When can start whenever you like.

Char:You should go home and rest that arm for a bit. If you have a computer at home you can start on making the photo album so I can release it to my fans as well. That should be comfortable enough for you?

Engfa:Chai. Khoob-khun ka. I guess we can go?

Char:Chai. I'll have my worker Tina send you the link.

Brandon:Ahh Ms.Austin. Heidi Jenson is here.


Char:Do you know who she is?

Engfa:Chai. She's my uh ex but we work together in photography. I hope that doesn't bother you. I can show you her work as well.

Char:No need. If she works with you then I know she good. Bring her in so I can meet her.

Brandon(speaks into his watch):Bring her in. Ms.Austin is ready to see her. I'm getting word that your boyfriend is here also.

Char(annoyed):This asshole. Alright let him in. Engfa shall we get started?

Engfa:You don't want to um speak with your boyfriend first?

Char:Mai. I can work with you and Heidi first. You two can collab with Tina in the media room to work on the album then we can talk later. Does this Heidi speak English?

Engfa:Chai. She's fluent as well.

Heidi(walks and bows):Hello I'm Heidi nice to meet you. (Looks at Engfa and smiles) Shall we start?

Engfa:Chai. We are going to work on the Photobook while Ms.Austin attends somewhere else.

Char:Chai. Let me take you to the media room since Tina is busy. Just follow me.

Brandon:Where shall he meet you?

Char:In hell. (Sighs) my office.

Heidi and Engfa followed Charlotte into the media room and introduced them to Tina. Charlotte stared at Engfa for a moment before walking off to her office. Engfa couldn't help but to stare at Charlotte while she was leaving. Engfa immediately sat at the computer and started working. On the other hand Charlotte was in her office arguing with her boyfriend.

Char:You know how much I love my job and you come here and argue with me because I caught you cheating?! Some nerves you have. I'm not brainwashed.

Matthew:If you want sex Charlotte then just say that.

Char:Is that the only thing you care about? Is that the only thing in your mind?

Matt:No my love it's not.

Char(crosses her arms):I'll see you when I get off okay?

Matt:Okay I'll see you tonight. (Leaves)

Char(sighs):He's right about getting laid but he doesn't satisfy me. He always cum first and leaves me hanging. I might be sexually frustrated. Anyways I should go check on the media team.

Charlotte headed back to the media team to see Heidi sitting on Engfa lap as they worked on the photo album. Charlotte had this feeling grow on her and she couldn't tell what it was. Seeing Heidi on Engfa lap was bothering her but she didn't say anything about. After looking around she left the room causing Engfa to look in the direction Charlotte was standing. Engfa turned her head back and started working on the album. What will destiny bring these two together?

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