Chapter 16

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Months went by and while on your the group got closer then ever. Since they were on break from touring Englot was in there own room chilling in the airbnb they where staying in. Engfa went to the dance studio room which the Airbnb had. Charlotte immediately followed Engfa into the room. Englot started to dance which made Engfa blush.

Engfa:Remember when we were on stage and you started dancing on me?

Char:Chai. You got so shy but I saw you biting your lip.

Engfa:I can't believe fans clip that. They even have video when I was performing Ta Lueng Baby. You was drunk. You never really danced on me like that in public.

Char:You love it though.

Engfa:I mean we are alone.

Char:I guess you forgot that Nude and you sister recorded that too as well.

Engfa:P'Daad and N'Nude recorded it?! Why don't I remember that?!

Char:Because you were so focused on my body daddy ka.

Engfa:No one told you to be so fucking sexy.

Char(blushes and pushes Engfa away):Lets go to the kitchen im starving. (Pouts) I've been wanting a burger since this tour started and no one got me a burger.

Engfa:I promise I'll get you one. Let's go join them bie.


Englot join the others in the kitchen and saw Meena on her phone.

Nesa:That place is nice too. We should go there.

Meena:Chai. And it's on the beach. A restaurant on a beach that's wild.

Engfa(spots something):Ee(yuck)


Engfa:Who's eating a tomato?!

Char(laughs):Bie ka. You don't like tomatoes?


Char:Eat one.

Engfa:Mai dai.

Char:For me?

Engfa sighed and cut a small slice of tomato. She bit into it and immediately gagged not finishing it.

Char:Awww bie you took a bite for me. (Kisses Engfa)

Tina:So are we gonna go tonight or?

Meena(thinks then smiles):Chai. They are going to have a fire show as well.

Heidi:Ouuu I heard it's fun.

Chompu:Chai. It is. I went to a fire show on a date once. You all will enjoy it.

Nesa:Who did you go with?

Chompu(sips tea):My ex. Don't get mad please.

Nesa:Oh I'm not mad. Your going with me so I'm chill.

The Model/The Photographer(Englot)Where stories live. Discover now