Chapter 6

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Charlotte woke up and realized she was on top of Engfa. Charlotte doesn't even remember getting on Engfa. Charlotte immediately got off of Engfa blushing. She took a shower and got ready for work. Engfa immediately woke up and Englot rode together to work. Engfa headed to the media department while Charlotte was in her office. Charlotte noticed that her online album sold out and fans were requesting for a hardcover. Charlotte grabbed her tablet and ran into the media room. Everyone turned to her confused.

Char(shows her tablet):Congratulations to the media team on selling out all the online photo albums. Now we must work on the hard cover. We have to get them in stores. I'll need three times. A design team to get the photo album cover looking nice. The photo team to make sure the exact same photos are in the book. Then the delivery team. You will take the hardcover albums and deliver them to the bookstores and popular stores. Fans demanded that we bring them into stores. I'm so proud of everyone!

Tina:Will you like me to provide who will be on teams Ms.Austin?

Char:I'll take that stress from you. Team one is the design. That team is Tina, Heidi and Minnie. Team two which is the the photo section will be Freen, Becky and Lisa. Team three which it the delivery will be Me Engfa and Nesa. Anyone wanna change that?

Engfa:When will the delivery part start?

Char:Tomorrow. For now we can help with set everything up. Nesa are you okay?

Nesa(nervous):Y-yes. Just nervous it's my first job.

Char:Don't worry your in good hands.

Engfa(looks in the hall and notices James with a backpack):Fuck... (gets a call) Yeah I know I just seen him. I'm at work I- I can't.

Officer:Get him now.

Engfa(sighs):Yes sir.

Char(looks at Engfa):Is everything alright?

Engfa:Yes can I be excused for a moment?

Heidi:What's wrong?

Engfa:I just need to be e-

Engfa sees James walking again with the backpack. She walked out the door and followed James. Charlotte followed Engfa quietly. Engfa grabbed the backpack and saw the bomb she knocked out James and hurried and his armed the bomb. James woke up and Engfa punched him and grabbed him.

Engfa(In English):Who have you the orders?!

James(scared):I'm not telling you!

Engfa:3. 2.

James:An officer! He wants to end you! (Starts peeing on myself) he paid me thousands of dollars to get rid of you by placing bombs.

Engfa:How many?

James:Two! The other one is in Charlotte's office under her chair! Please that's it I swear.

Engfa:If you lying to me I swear. You'll do more then fucking piss on yourself.

James:I shitted too!

Engfa:I knew I smelt shit. Fuck hiding this job isn't easy na! (Runs to Charlottes office)

Char:Guards make sure James have a good time in the hole. And clean up area. I have to make sure Engfa is okay!

Charlotte rushed to her office to see Engfa already defused the bomb and was walking out.

Char(acts clueless):So you came into my office to snoop around?

The Model/The Photographer(Englot)Where stories live. Discover now