Chapter 19 - Welcome to Kumandra

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"Okay, i take that as a compliment."

Namar stands slightly behind you awkwardly looking at Sisu. Sisu looks at him with a smile and he lets out a breathless breath and salutes her. Sisu then grabs you both and pulls you into a group hug with them.

(People all over turning back. Tong, Noi and Boun seeing their families again.)


You reach heart with Ray on Tuk Tuk. He stops when he sees a familiar man on the bridge, helping clean up the mess.

Ray helps you down and you both slowly approach your father.

"Ba?" Ray says and turns to the two of you. Ray chuckles softly shrugging and you smile at your father.

"Dewdrops?" He asks in relief and runs to you.

"Ba!" Ray exclaims breathlessly as you run to meet him halfway and he envelops you and Ray in a hug.

You pull away after a few seconds watching as Ray cries into your father's shoulder, your own tears of relief and happiness running down your cheek.

Your father opens his eyes to look at you, looking at your with proud eyes as he lets Ray go to look at him too.

He then gasps softly when he sees Sisu behind you.

"Is that really her?" He asks and looks to Ray who nods in answer.

Your father salutes her and she bows her head slightly.

"Chief Benja, your children did you proud." She tells him. "Hope you don't mind, they brought some friends."

He watches in awe at all the people from the different lands come into view, and stand before them and salutes. You meet Namar's eyes, a loving smile on both your faces.

"Ba." You say and he looks at you, you meet rays eyes and you nod to him. For him to say it. Ray smiles to you with so much love for his sister. He turns to meet his father's eyes now on his.

"Welcome.." Ray start, voice almost cracking as he looks at his father. ".. to Kumandra."

Benja smiles happy and proud as he watches the people walk up the stairs and past them into Heart.


You watch as Namar approaches you.

"Ba." You say as you go to Namar, taking his hand to lead him toward your father who is watching with a rasied brow. He glances at his son who is watching with a smirk.

"Namar this is my father, Ba this is Namar." You introduce. Namar clears his throat awkwardly, trying to fight the faint blush burning his cheeks.

"Chief Benja." Namar acknowledges your father in a professional matter with a slight bow of his head as he salutes him.

"Prince Namar. Welcome to Heart." Chief Benja welcomes him with a smile, then glances at you a bit teasingly before glaring at your brother.

"Really? You couldn't keep the boys away till i came back?" He jokes but plays serious and Ray looks at him with wide eyes.

"I tried!" He exclaims to his father. Throwing his hands to the sides.

Namar tries to let go of your hand, that you had taken in your immediately after he had saluted your father. In fright of having upset the Chief, your father and one day maybe, hopefully, future father in law, he didn't want to mess it up. But you refuse to let go, making him more nervous.

You just chuckle in amusement at your father's antics. He turns to you and Namar with a wink. Namar freezes and his eyes widen as he turns to you, hearing you giggle making him relax.

"Welcome to the family." You whisper to him with a loving smile. He smiles down with a look of so much love and admiration, it takes your breath away.


Author note :
Thank you for reading!
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I'm thinking about writing Bonus chapters.
Like for example:
- Proposal or/and wedding.
- Namar becoming Chief of Fang.
- Y/N living with Namar in Fang.
- Ray becoming Chief of Heart.
- Ray and Namar bonding as best friends.
- Ray and Sisu moments. (I couldn't help but think about a possible romance between them as I wrote this, but not sure if it's too weird.)
- Pregnancy. (I have hinted in this that i want them to have children so I'm hoping to write something about that.)
- Y/N and Namar's child/children, parenting.
- Ray as an uncle, Benja and Virana as a grandparents.
What do you think?

The Last Dragon (Male Namaari x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu