Doki Doki Forever

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So, I just... feel like my cohost is trying to outshine me at times.

Alastor: I see... and that makes you feel...?

Annoyed... pissed. Just... why can't they just leave me to do the narrating alone?

Alastor: Hmm, well I wouldn't know about that necessarily. Perhaps they just want to... help you in a way.

That's funny coming from you, but-

(Uh, sir?)


(We're supposed to get started on writing a chapter)

Oh shit! Alastor, drop the clipboard we gotta go! *Runs out the door*

Alastor: *Sigh and drop the clipboard* You try to do something nice for once.

So where were we? Oh yeah.

"............. Well, sh**." You say the bleeping having returned.

"Again, I know this is a little sudden, but I hope you don't mind." The girl says nervously.

"I mean, you did just save our a**es so... thank you?" You say, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, thank you, but who are you?" GF asks.

"Oh, right." The girl who 'you don't know' cleared her throat. "I'm not used to people not knowing me. My name is Monika. It's nice to meet you."

"Well... nice to meet you, I guess?"

'Okay, GF doesn't know who she is. Either she's never played DDLC, or it doesn't exist in this world... maybe try the latter first.' You thought to yourself before seeing a couple of cartoon clouds with '...' around you that you swatted away. "So, is she like... one of the characters in this game as well?"

"I don't really know. Maybe?" She replies back, you catching out of the corner of your eye that the schoolgirl appeared almost hurt by what you asked. "I mean I haven't played that far into the game. She's not even wearing the same outfit." She then says as an arrow appeared with text saying 'Different Uniform'.

"Well, I mean, maybe it could be a rival school event or something?" You say as another arrow appeared saying 'Rival School?', which irked Monika a bit. "Downloadable content or something?" You then say as an arrow appeared saying 'DLC?'. 

"Alright!" Monika says while waving the arrows away. "If you must know, I'm actually from a different game, and I gotta say that being in a different dating simulator is... kinda odd."


"Yeah, I come from a more... what's the word? Visual Novel? I'm not really into any for these rhythm games."

"But if that's the case..., how did you get here? And how did you pull us out of... that world?" GF asked, curious.

"It's just a thing I can do. I don't get how it works but... it just does." Monika explained before a bubble with a question mark appeared above the brunette's head. "Look, I don't know how to properly explain it."

'You don't know how to explain that you're an AI that can hack?' You thought before she looked at you and you looked put off. 'Okay, why is she looking at me like that?'

"Ya know what, how about we have a little bit of fun while we're here?" She suggested.

"Fun? Doing what exactly?" You asked before she stared at you, then gestured to the mic in your hand. "Oh... oh." You then say as the embarrassment effect fell over you that you quickly waved away in annoyance, an anger icon appearing next before you swatted that away. "I did not miss being in this game."

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz