Week 5.5

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Yeah, I read a lot of your suggestions for which mod to do, but I couldn't pick one of them unfortunately. So, I did some thinking and decided to go with Hex.

"Thanks again for helping with this. It ain't easy." Parappa says as you were taking boxes out of his house.

"No problem." You say while putting the boxes into a moving van. "Consider it thanks for helping me figure out how to make a Spotify account."

"That's not exactly comparable." He laughed.

"Bep, bop." Kaity says while lifting a box into the van as well.

"Yeah, fair point." You say.

"Hey, you're starting to understand her." Parappa says with a wide smile.

"Eh, slowly starting to understand." You say before he gave you a playful hit. "Still, wish you could stay a little longer."

"Hey, was gonna head back eventually. Besides, I can trust you to take care of my vacation home while I'm gone, right?"

"I'll come around to check every now and then."

"Thanks man. Feel free to use the studio anytime." Parappa says while giving you a fist bump. "And Kaity, good luck with him."

"Beep." The cyan-haired girl says.

"You could do a little bit of singing with her. She's something of a rapper herself."

"I'll keep that in mind." You say.

A few days after Christmas, you were asked if you could help him with packing. Well, he did most of the packing. You were just helping make it quicker and easier for her to move. You had made a Spotify for the time until you could get an actual job.

After seeing the pup off, you took a look back at the house and exhaled a bit. Then you and the cyan haired girl started to walk down the street.

"Bep bop. (Thank you.)" She says.

"No probs."

As you were walking with her, you started to look around. The snow was... gone. It was like it was never there. And all the decorations for Christmas are already gone. How do people go this fast? It's like you just jumped panels in a comic book-Wait no... like a timeskip without... no that's not... well, it was like something, and while you couldn't name it now, you'd figure it out later.

One thing was clear. Once a holiday was over, no one waited. It kinda made you worry if this was a town that'd throw up Thanksgiving things the moment Halloween ends, but considering they didn't start putting up Christmas decorations until the week of Christmas, maybe that wasn't the case.

You didn't notice Kaity had a nervous look, rather your eyes were on something else. It looked like a girl wearing a nun outfit on the other side of the street. Her back was turned so you couldn't see her face, but she appeared to be preaching something while handing out flyers. There was no question who it was.

While distracted, you bumped into someone. You really have to start looking where you're going.

"Sorry." You say quickly.

"Watch where you're-" They started to say, annoyed before you recognized who it was. "(Y-Y/N)?"


"PICA!" Kaity says happily while hugging her.

"Hey..." The ginger says with an annoyed tone while patting her head.

"How've you been doing lately?" You asked her as the cyan-haired girl let go of her.

"I mean... surprisingly my business hasn't gone down. Your girl's family didn't ruin my reputation like I expected." She says while scratching the back of her neck. "You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that, would you?"

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن