Week 4.3

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You had gotten a call from Parappa to come over because the checks for the songs you made with him just came in. As you got there, he gave you your check and you took a look at it.

"Huh, nice." You say while looking at the check.

It didn't have a high amount, but it was decent for the three songs you had done.

"Yeah, that's only one though. I would've had them mail it to you directly, but I don't know where you live." The rapping hound tells you.

"Well, you could've just asked. This is a good start at the very least."

"So, what are you thinking about doing for Christmas?"

"Hmm?" You say while turning to him.

"Well, you know. Aren't you thinking about what presents you could get for the people you care about?" He asked.

"Uh... Oh yeah." You say in realization. "Ugh, sorry, it's been a long week."

"I can tell. I mean, I'd be exhausted if I had gone through the things you had."

"Really need to find a gift for Girlfriend." You say before putting your hand to your head in thought. "Any suggestions?"

"Well, uh... I don't know. That's more or less something you should ask Kaity about. I'm not that close with her other friends."

"Good point." You say before thinking again. "Ya know, I just started dating her not that long ago and I'm already trying to think of getting her a Christmas gift."

"... Uh... it's a little odd." Parappa says as you sigh. "I mean, I don't know. Maybe... nothing crazy?"

"Is that rhetorical question?"

"... Good point, again. Still, maybe think about something like... what does she like?"

"Well, she likes cherry soda and... and... shit."

"Wait, is that the only thing you know she likes?"

"Dude, I'm not to pry into people's personal lives."

"Asking your date about what things they like and being intrusive in their lives are not the same thing."

"Well, how would I know!? I've never dated anyone before!"

You huffed before shaking your head. Parappa looked left and right, trying to think himself. He opened his mouth but stopped before going back to thinking.

"... Well... maybe get her a stuffed animal? Everyone likes them." He suggests.

"Yeah, but what kind of stuffed animal?"

"Uh... a bunny?... a Pokemon?... Maybe? I know lots of people like them. Ya could take a look around the stores and see what would be nice. It's not about whether you like the gift or not, as long as it has a good meaning then..." Parappa was saying before he stopped. "What's the saying?"

"Well, guess it's worth a shot." You say before heading for the door. "I'll see ya around."

"Good luck, (Y/N)!" He called as you waved.

After leaving, you walked a few steps away before stopping. Then you turned around and looked at the rapping pup's house. The front was decked out in Christmas decorations from head to toe. Was... was that there when you walked into his house? You could've sworn that wasn't there before.

You shrugged before you continued walking down the street. But as you entered the city, you started to look around. You were starting to become confused because everything was decorated for Christmas. Multicolored lights, fake reindeer in the street, that one guy dressed like Santa asking for donations and... was that snow on the ground?... was the air cold now?

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