'Sonic' Week

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Yeah, so about the New Year special... I ain't doing that anymore. Sorry, I just can't figure out how to fit it in to this story.

Pinkie Pie: Wait WHAT!? Why would you cancel someth-*STRANGLED CHOKES*

Anyone else got questions?

Pinkie: *More choking*

Good. *Drops her* Okay, let's get to the chapter.

Mandatory blood and gore warning: Because... well come on.

So, last time was you getting sucked into a computer. Moments after going inside, you found yourself spinning around, flailing your arms to grab... well anything. However, the spinning had first made you feel queezy, then nauseous, then lightheaded... then you finally stopped before hitting the ground.

You groaned as you laid in the grass, putting a hand over your mouth, feeling ready to puke. With whatever kind of luck, you somehow managed to keep it down. Another groan and you sat up, rubbing your back in pain. Then you took a look around, and your eyes widened.

Yellow grass, withered trees, totem poles that looked destroyed, plants that looked like they were also withering around, and a loop de loop in the distance.

"Oh shit." You say to yourself before growling in annoyance as you stood up. "Thought I got rid of that stupid thing." You then looked at your hands and appeared dumbfounded. "I definitely wasn't wearing gloves before."

You then looked at yourself more your eyes widened. You thought there was something up when you appeared shorter than you remembered, but it was something else.

For one thing, your hands, feet, and shoes were bigger than they normally were, and your arms and legs felt slimmer than they usually were. That wasn't just it, it just didn't seem like... you were even human anymore.

"Am I fucking (Favorite Mobian Species)!?" You say in shock before hearing a groan and looking around, finding a familiar brunette hair laying in the grass. "Girlfriend!"

You ran up to her as she got on her hands and knees, rubbing her head. You stopped and knelt down, seeing her in her mobian form. She was shorter as well and appeared to be a cat of some kind. 

"My head

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"My head... what... happened?" She groaned while looking up, then at you. "Wha, who are you?"

"Okay, babe, just don't panic."

"Wha, (Y/N). What happened to..." She started to say before seeing her hand. "Wha?" Then she saw her tail. "What the heck!?"

"Like I said, don't panic." You say while helping her up.

"I'm not panicking, but... what's going on?"

"Don't know, but I might have a clue." You say before hearing the crunching of grass nearby, and looking over at the palm tree, seeing some familiar quills sticking out. "And I think that might be because of him." You sighed.

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