Week 5.3

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Okay, turns out, BF can speak, he just likes to talk in beep bops'n shit to avoid conversation... so that's interesting.

"That was amazing, (Y/N)." GF says.

"Yeah, no kidding." You say back.

After what happened earlier before the sun rose, you were lying in bed with your girlfriend, both naked. She was snuggled up against you, and you were happy.

"Ya know for your first time, that was really something." She says.

"Beginner's luck, I guess?" You laughed.

............ Silence then followed while the smiles on your faces dropped.

(Y/N)'s Left Brain: DUDE! What are you doing!? We're blowing this!

(Y/N)'s Right Brain: Well, what were we supposed to say!? We've never been in this situation before!

(Y/N)'s LB: Fine, fine! Just calm down! The hard part's over. As long as she doesn't throw us any curveballs, I think we're good. 

"So... what do we do now?" GF asked.

(Y/N)'s LB: FUCK!

(Y/N)'s RB: What the hell is she talking about!? What comes after sex!?

(Y/N)'s LB: I don't know! All the dating sims just go to credits at this point. 

(Y/N)'s RB: Well, she asked us a question, SIR! We have to say something! 

(Y/N)'s LB: LOOK JUST!.... Just say anything.

(Y/N)'s RB: Anything!?

(Y/N)'s LB: ANYTHING! Just... say it with confidence.

(Y/N)'s RB: *Whimper* Alright. Here goes nothing. 

"Well, maybe we could go see your parents?" You say.


(Y/N)'s RB: WHAT!? You said say anything! 

(Y/N)'s LB: Anything except THAT obviously! 

(Y/N)'s RB: Well, I just figured, ya know, it's Christmas. Which is all about family and shit, so-

(Y/N)'s LB: Have you forgotten that her parents hate us!?

(Y/N)'s RB: I'm sorry! I don't work well under pressure! 

(Y/N)'s LB: *Sighs* You know what? It's fine. Forget it. We'll just play it off as a joke. No harm done.

"Sounds like a plan." She then says with a smile.


(Y/N)'s RB: Hey, uh, she seems pretty happy about it! Maybe she knows something we don't!

GF's LB: BITCH! Why the fuck did you say yes!?



After cleaning up and getting dressed, you wearing a Christmas sweater over your hoodie with the scarf GF got you, she wore her dress and the heavy coat she wore before Christmas Eve, you left the house and were on your way to her parents' place. You'd be lying if you said that you weren't nervous. You did just get off from handing their asses to them yesterday. If they found out you were banging their daughter, you would probably have more than just hell to pay.

"Hey, don't worry about my parents. I'm sure they've learned their lesson by now." GF tried to reassure you.

"Hopefully. Last thing I need is another hitman on my back." You say while scratching your chin a bit. "Especially after last night."

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