Week 4.5

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Someone suggested what I could do this chapter and I got a suggestion for what I can do for Pica in this chapter... quite literally there was only one person who suggested something. Seriously thank you sirkeven100 for the suggestion.

Here's hope this turns out better than I think.

It was now the middle of the week and you were having a date with GF. She was wearing a heavy coat that was dark maroon with white fluff around her hood. At this point, it was public knowledge that you and her were dating by now... and the news spread like wildfire.

Fortunately, unlike most stories, you didn't get bombarded with news reporters everywhere you went... well, any at all. Though that's not to say it wasn't a big deal. The idea of you beating two famous ex-singers and got to hit it off with their daughter really got people pressed.

That did kinda make you worry a bit. Now that you were gaining popularity in the press, more people would know who you were and that meant that other characters from the mods would possibly be out for you. But you weren't focused on that, only the date you were having with your girl. That and the occasional run-ins with some people that saw what your battles.

"Ya know, I didn't take you for having a sweet tooth." You say as you and GF left a bakery.

"I can't help it. They stuff they make in there, is just-MMM! So good." She says happily.

Before you could move, you suddenly heard a boing sound repeat over and over again before looking down. There bouncing in front of you was a lime green mini crewmate. At first you felt a little uneasy, but then a hand popped out with a pen and held it up to you.

You looked a little dumbfounded again before you took the pen. Then it leaned down pointed at the top of its head. You got a feeling you knew what it was trying to tell you and... well, signed its head. It used the window to see when you were done and it looked happy, if its visor was anything to go by.

There was another boing sound that came behind you. You turned there was a taller crewmate with the same suit waving over. The mini crewmate saw and began walking over to it, not without waving to you as it passed.

"Now that's just adorable." Girlfriend gushed.

"Yeah, cute little guy." You say as the bigger crewmate picked up the mini.

"So, how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"Being famous, duh."

"I wouldn't exactly say I'm famous."

"What we just saw says otherwise. You're finally making it big like you wanted." She says before she begins walking.

"Hmm, yeah. I guess you're right." You say before putting your hands in your pockets and followed her. "So, where do you wanna go now?"

"I was thinking of maybe the arcade. There's a lot of fun games there that I want to show you."

As you heard about the arcade, you wondered if there was any games from your world or maybe some new games that were there as well. But then you couldn't help but feel like there was something about it you were forgetting-

"(Y/N)!" You were broken from your thoughts as you stopped and looked ahead to see a familiar blue-haired girl in a red turtleneck sweater and earmuffs.

"Kaity?" You say as she waved. "What're you doing here?"

"Bop, beep, skee bop. Bo beep, bop." Kaity says.

"I'm sorry, what?" GF asked.


"Now? But... we're on a date right now."

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