Week 3.5

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Okay, I'm sorry, but again, I couldn't pick any of the suggestions. I'm gonna put them to the side for now and I will do them at some point, but for now, they'll have to wait.

You inhaled and sighed as you held the ball in front of you, looking up at the hoop. The air around you became thick and your body tensed up as your grip tightened. You held the ball up, still focusing on the hoop. Your fate lies in the hands of your luck and you were determined to make this shot.

You pulled back, crouched down, then jumped up before shooting the ball into the air... and it hit the hoop and bounced away.

"Ooh, tough luck." Hex says while patting your back.

"Man..." You groaned.

"Hey, don't sweat it."

You were about to walk over to the ball, but stopped as you had a thought. You held your hand out towards it and waited... and waited... and waited... but nothing happened. Odd, you could've sworn that you should have the ability to make things float.

"Uh... what are you doing?" Hex asked, confused.

"Um..." You looked at your hand before straightening up. "Nothing, uh..."

You looked back at the ball, then decided on another way to go about it. Without moving your arms, you focused once more, and a bone was summoned from below the ball before spinning in your direction as it bounced on the ground before you caught it.

"Heh, neat."

"Yep, I know." You say before trying to spin the ball on your finger, but it fell. "Ugh, why can't I pull that off?" You used a bone to roll it back to you.

"Still, it's pretty cool to have powers like that. Does anyone else know about it?"

"Yeah, about three people... well six, I guess. Three thugs I fought in an alley, Carol, Kaity... You know them?"

"Yeah, I do. We're pretty good friends."

"Wow... small city. But yeah, them and Girlfriend. Other than that, I don't know who else."

"Got it." He says while you handed him the ball back. "So, whatcha gonna do with'em?" He asked before shooting the ball and getting it in the hoop.

"I actually don't know. I haven't really thought about how I'm gonna use them, well other than defense." You say while picking up the ball. "I'm still trying to learn what else I can do." You then threw the ball, getting in the hoop this time.

"Well, you could also use them to make a show or something." 

"Heh, sounds pretty bone-afied to me." You laughed.

"Just a suggestion."

"Anyway, I'm sorry to dip earlier, but I got a date." You say while walking away.

"Good luck, dude!" He says while waving as his screen changed to a thumbs up symbol.

As you walked through the park into the city, you hadn't noticed a certain ginger up in the trees. Pica had binoculars used to watch you, pulling them down with a sour look on her face before sliding down the tree, jump and rolling into a nearby bush, then jumped out to follow you.

As you walked by a lamppost, her head popped out from behind it, before disappearing behind it. Then she appeared out of a trash bin before disappearing back in it. You stopped at a crosswalk and the sewer cover drain opened as she watched you from it, quickly hiding back in it as you crossed the road.

As you just met up with GF who hugged you, Pica appeared on one of the buildings and pulled out a sniper rifle, loading it up then aiming. Through the scope, she was able to catch you two talking, then see you smile which made her face turn a little red.

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora