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(For this one I am gonna requote a bit from the first chapter but I will add some more just for the hell of it!)



I was finally able to come to Ohio to see Joe after he had been drafted to the Bengals. I was so excited for him. This was everything he had ever dreamed of. I was extremely proud of him. I was in my uber to my hotel, I got it for the one day just so I can sleep a little bit, get myself ready, and then head to Joe's house. So I walked in and got everything settled.

I checked instagram to see if he has posted anything and it was nothing except for him being drafted. Which was odd because normally he will post about being out with Ja'Marr. He had called me before I got on the plane saying he was partying. Of course I told him to go and have fun, what kind of girlfriend do you think I am?

It was currently 7 am here meaning he will be waking up any minute now. I don't know how Joe does it but he never wakes up hungover, crazy right? In all of the two years I have dated him I think I can hardly count on my hand how many times he's been hungover. I've always been envious of that.

I quickly showered my body, I had washed my hair the night before, just to get the airport filth off of me and put on a cute top with some jeans. I left my hair down and natural in it's curls and didn't bother with my makeup. I smiled and put on my shoes and grabbed my purse and headed out to his house.

I first ubered to the car rental place that I was getting a car from that's just for the day, considering I would be with Joe most of the time that I am here so I wouldn't really need a car. I stop at Starbucks getting us both a coffee and driving to his house. He gave me a key which was amazing because I don't have to knock when I get there I can just walk in and climb into bed with my man.

I pulled up and something in me was off. Like something bad was about to happen but I just brushed it off grabbing our coffees and headed to the door unlocking it walking in. I walk to the kitchen and set the coffees down on the counter and secretly creep up to his room. My smile is literally hurting my face from just how big it is.

I grab the handle and quietly open up the door and just like that my heart sinks to my stomach and my smile fades. I feel like my blood is boiling up to my ears and that I am going to throw up. Tears start welling up seeing a naked girl laying on top of the guy that I have fallen in love with. I am able to let out a "Oh my god..." causing Joe to wake up. He at first looks confused and then his face drops seeing me as a tear falls down my face.

I quickly turn back around and out of the room to the front door "Sydney wait..." Joe says from behind me. I quickly yank open the front door and walk to my car "Baby wait!" I hear making me spin around so quick it almost gives me a whiplash "No! No you do not get to call me that!" I snap as more tears fall from his face.

His face slowly drops "How could you do that!?" I snap. He steps closer to me causing me to step back "I'm sorry ok..." he starts as he runs his fingers through his hair getting frustrated. How can he be frustrated when he got himself into this mess!? He looks back at me "I was lonely and missing you ok!" he says making me scoff. I shake my head not able to believe what he just said "So instead of calling me or texting me or absolutely ANYTHING! But instead you get with the first skank you see!?" I say getting louder and honestly more angry at this point.

I just shake my head heading to the car as he tries to grab my hand "Syd, come on! I'm sorry!" he says but I pull my hand away and turn to him as I open the door "Fuck you Joe Burrow! We are fucking done ok!?" I say. He shakes his head as tears fall from his face "No baby come on please??" he asks. I just sniffle and get into the car quickly getting out of the drive way and speeding off as tears continue to fall down. What was supposed to be the best day was the absolute worst day.

And all because Joe couldn't keep it in his pants.

-end of flashback-


A/N: Ik ik! Another flashback chapter! But just trust me I had to give you guys a little bit of Sydney's side to what happened when Joe cheated!

I promise in the next few chapters we will get more of them two and less of the flashbacks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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