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If you're wondering what the text message was about, Sam had asked if I would be his plus one to their team's banquet, of course I said yes, that was later on today. Right now I was getting my brand new classroom ready. I had also bought my own apartment that I move into after the wedding.

I had texted both Ja'Marr and Delaney to help with my classroom. They said yes and Ja'Marr said he was bringing help. Yes that help was Joe. It was also Sam coming to help too which totally made me feel better about this situation.

I seen them all get out of Delaney's car and walk up to me as I look at her and say so only she hears "Oh you wanted to just kill me didn't you?" I ask as she laughs. I shake my head opening my trunk and start to hand the heavy stuff to the boys and hand two bags to Delaney and then grab some bags for me to carry in "Let's go" I say grabbing my badge unlocking the door.

We walk in and go to my classroom making me look around and smile. It's not too big and not too small, it's just right. I turn the lights on "Ok you boys wanna get the stuff out and me and Delaney will start to get the room set up?" I ask handing my keys to Sam. They nod and start heading out "Remember I have only three hours today" I say as they leave.

I then turn to Delaney "Let's get started" I say plugging my computer into the projector and getting it set up to play music. She then turns to me "So you and Sam are still going to the banquet together huh?" she asks. I smile and nod "We are he asked me the other night" I say rearranging desks looking at the map I had made the other night.

She shakes her head "Don't you think this is going to get messy?" she asks helping me and I just shrug "Nope, me and Joe aren't together anymore so we can see anyone we want" I say just as the boys come back in making me look at them "Thanks guys those are the books so you can put them by the mini nook shelf" I say pointing.

-After three hours-

We had gotten a lot done such as the desks being rearranged, started some bulletin boards which resulted in Joe almost stapling his hand, and getting my desk set up. I smiled seeing my vision coming together, my theme was Oh The Places You Go so it was all just perfect.

I walk out with everyone as Sam walks with me "So for tonight I am thinking I come and get you around 7:30? Since the whole thing starts at 8?" he asks and I smile nodding going to say something but Joe speaks up "You guys are going to the banquet together?" he asks as I look over at him and nod "Yeah Sam had asked me last night if I wanted to go and I said yes" I say.

I can see a look of jealousy in his eyes. Which confuses me because he's got Britney? I just shrug it off and look at Sam "7:30 will be perfect" I say. We all get in our cars and drive home. Once we, meaning me, Delaney, and Ja'Marr, get to Delaney and Ja'Marr's, we get out and all look at each other "Did Joe look jealous to anyone else?" I ask and Ja'Marr nods.

I just sigh and walk into the house putting my bag and keys with Delaney's "All I've gotta say is thank god there's two showers here" she says and we all laugh and go to get ready. I walk up to my bathroom I have and hop in getting all the dust and sweat from earlier off of me. Since it's a special occasion I give myself an everything shower.

Once I am satisfied I get out and go to my room sitting at the vanity and blow dry my hair. I then curl my hair and put them into rollers to give them that blow out look and then move onto makeup. I keep it very minimal and glowy. I did bronzey eyes and a subtle red lip. After looking in the mirror I felt hot and got up going to my closet to get my dress.

While dress shopping did I purposely pick out a red dress knowing Joe absolutely LOVES red on me. Did I pick it knowing it would be a little bit sexy and would make Joe jealous slightly? Maybe. I looked at it hanging up and it was perfect. It was sparkly red with a V-neck top and two slits going up the side.

I looked in the mirror after putting it on and absolutely loved it

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I looked in the mirror after putting it on and absolutely loved it. I took my hair out of the rollers and I looked like I had just gotten off of Hollywood. I then put on my black heels and grab my clutch and walk down the stairs seeing Delaney and Ja'Marr standing there. Delaney had on the prettiest pink satin dress with a small slit that stopped right before the knee and had one strap. She looked beautiful.

She sees me and gasps "Holy shit Syd! Maybe I will just marry you instead" she says making me laugh. The doorbell rings and Ja'Marr gets it that's when I hear Sam and Joe's voice, and of course Britney's. I sigh knowing I will need a lot of alcohol tonight.


Ja'Marr let us in and I was talking to him about little things and then look up seeing Sydney standing there talking with Delaney. My god was she gorgeous. Of course she was wearing a red dress. Red was always my favorite color on her. It just made her look absolutely sexy.


It was the night of my date party and of course I had asked Sydeny to be my date. I was wearing a button up and black slacks, I kept it simple. Once I reached her door I knocked hearing her say come in so I opened the door and sigh "Babe you gotta stop leaving your door unlocked" I say walking in and then closing the door.

I walked into her living room seeing her try to put on her heel. I chuckle "Need help?" I ask walking up as she huffs and nods putting her leg up. I rest her foot on my thigh and buckle her heel for her. Once that was done I helped her up finally getting to see her all dressed up. She has a satin red dress that stopped mid thigh with her hair in perfect curls. She had on just lip gloss and I think mascara, she didn't need that though her natural beauty was enough.

I just stared at her making her blush "What? Is something wrong? Should I have put on more makeup?" she asks going to go back to her room but I stop her "God no, you're just absolutely gorgeous Syd" I say. I pull her close into me making her smile "Well you look absolutely handsome yourself" she says. I smirk and look at the time "Ya know we've still got 20 minutes before we gotta go to the date party" I say.

She smirks and nods as I pick her up making the apartment fill with her giggles.

-end of flashback-

God does she look like a true beauty in red.


This chapter will continue into the next part!

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