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It was a typical Sunday in a fall semester. It was raining, cold, and just the perfect night for some soup and to watch a good movie. I was making my famous chicken noddle soup when I heard a knock on the door "Come in!" I called out as I place the lid onto the pot of soup. I hear the door open and close as I walk out smiling seeing my handsome boyfriend walk up to me "Hey you" I say as he places his coat down taking his shoes off.

He looks up and smiles walking up to me "There's my beautiful girl" he says picking me up wrapping my arms around his legs as my arms go around his neck. I giggle as he does so and lean in kissing his lips. He kisses back and places me back on the ground in front of the stove "That soup smells so good" Joe says making me smile "Good, I'll get us some bowls of it why don't you go and pick out the movie?" I suggest and he nods kissing my head.

I watch him walk out as I grab the bowls and fill them with soup and eventually going to the living room placing our bowls on the table in front grabbing a blanket it sitting next to Joe putting the blanket over us and then hand him his bowl as I take mine. He smiles "Thanks babe" he says as he selects the Hangover, our favorite funny movie to watch together.

I smile and look at him slightly as he eats and watches the movie. God he is so perfect the way his jawline is perfectly sharp. He had this confidence to him as well that I have always admired about him. He just screams confidence, something I wish I had however he always had this confidence in me as well. He is so selfless and is always putting others before him. I mean how can you not love him?

Wait...what did I say? Did I just say...? No, no, it can't be. I mean we have been dating for almost four months. We haven't really said it to each other. I mean could I love him? I of course love his selflessness, I love how confident he is, or how his jawline is perfectly sharp, how his bright blue eyes shine in every light he is in, how he just plays football so perfectly. Oh my god. I love Joe.

I am so utterly in love with Joe. He must have noticed me staring because he looks at me "What?" he asks. I just smile and lean in kissing his lips. He is a bit a taken back but kisses me back. I smile and eventually pull away and look at him "Not that I am
complaining, but what was that for?" he asks. I chuckle and then turn to him placing my bowl of soup on the table "I am about to tell you something utterly crazy and you can tell me whenever you want if it's just too much" I say.

He nods looking more confused placing his now empty bowl on the table next to mine and turns to me "Ok?" he says. I take a deep breath and look at him "I love you Joe" I say and his eyes widens but his smile starts to grow "I was waiting for you to say that" he says. My eyes now widen and I look at him "Wait what??" I ask so confused. He laughs "Sydney, I have been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you at that party however I never knew how to say it to you" he says and I just smile "So you love me too huh?" I ask making him laugh and nod.

I smile as he pulls me in closer to him "I am so crazily in love with you Sydney Valley" he says and I just smile kissing him again being so in love with him.

-End of flashback-

I woke up the next morning seeing Joe next to me sleeping just makes me smile. How on earth did I end up back here? I may never know. But I am not complaining one bit about what is happening. Because I finally have my one true love back. I mean yeah what he did was absolutely horrible and I will never forget that.

That feeling of when he cheated and seeing him in bed with that girl haunts me every single day. But I believe that he has changed into a different person. I believe that he will never ever hurt me again. I just however can't give him that satisfaction. I need him to work more.

I see him start to wake up and I try and make it like I had just woken up, so he doesn't know I was looking at him. He turns to me and smiles "Morning beautiful" he says as I turn to him and I just smile "Morning" I say leaning in and pecking his lips. He smiles as I sit up and stretch and then turn to him "I have to start to get ready for the first day" I say and he nods "Ok, how about afterwards me and you go out to dinner?" he suggests and I smile and look at him "Like a date?" I ask and he nods "Yeah like a date" he says. So I nod and agree before heading into the bathroom to get ready l.

I cant wait until after work.

A/N: I am so sorry for being crap at updating this story! I promise I will try and get better! Just these last four weeks of classes are going to be crazy!

But please vote and comment! Love you all!

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