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Ja'Marr and Delaney have officially been married for three weeks! They are both currently on their honeymoon and Delaney sends me a picture everyday. I am so happy for them. If you're wondering how things with me and Joe are..let's just say things aren't happening.

After we came back from the wedding I had hoped to talk to Joe finally however I haven't talked to him. I know what you're thinking. Sydney what the heck is wrong with you? I don't know honestly. I just can't do it.

Tomorrow is my first day teaching at a new school and I am so excited. I remember being in college talking about my own classroom and being a teacher. Now here I am almost in my fourth year teaching.


I was getting ready for my first day of student teaching and I was so excited! However I was also so nervous that I facetimed Joe freaking out. He answers and notices my stressed out look "What's wrong beautiful? Why do you look so stressed?" he asks.

I sigh "My first day of student teaching is tomorrow and I am so nervous Joe you have no idea" I say tearing up. He shakes his head "Sydney no don't cry ok? You are absolutely going to kill it tomorrow with your student teaching" he says.

I shake my head "But what if I am not?" I sniffle. He sighs "Hope on alright? I'll be right over to talk to you" he says. We then hang up as I plop on my bed waiting for Joe. I soon hear him open the door and walk up to my room.

I look over to the door as he walks in seeing my dad face and pouts "Awh Syd" he says walking over and sits down pulling me into him as he leans back in my bed. I sniffle and hug him "I'm so nervous Joe" I say burying my face into his chest. He shakes his head "Don't be Syd, I have watched you excel in all of your classes absolutely kill it in your practicum and you're going be amazing in your student teaching" he says.

I look up at him "You think so?" I ask as he looks down at me. He nods wiping the tears off of my face "I know so" he says. I smile at him "You're the best" I say and he smiles kissing my forehead "I try" he says and then smiles "Besides not only are you going to kill it when you become a teacher you will be my hot wife who's also a hot teacher" he says making me laugh.

Man does he know how to cheer me up.

-end of flashback-

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous so I grab my phone and look through my contacts clicking on Joe's. I look at it as my thumb hovers the call button I hesitate but then click the button walking into my kitchen leaning against the counter.

After a few rings I hear "Sydney?" making me smile at the sound of his voice "Um hi Joe" I say. "Hey, um what's up?" he asks as I hesitate to say it but I continue "Um well I start my first day at the new school tomorrow and I am honestly so nervous" I say.

He chuckles "Why? You are an amazing teacher Syd from what I saw when you were student teaching you were absolutely the best in your class, even the teachers at the school you taught at said that" he says I smile and say "I don't know, I just am worried this is a whole new school and district and it's different from what I am used to in Louisiana" I say.

He stays silent for a bit and then says "Hold on I'm coming over" and then hangs up. I freeze looking at my phone and then realize he's not far from my house, yes I bought my own house after their wedding too that's around Joe and Delaney's house, and freak out.

I run to the mirror and fix my hair and make sure I don't look awful. Before I know it there's a knock making me run up to the door. I wait a second and then answer "Hey Joe" I say as he smiles "Hey". I then let him in and walk to my living room with him.

We sit on the couch and he looks at me "Now why are you so nervous Syd? You're one of the best teachers I know" he says and I shrug "Just worried is all" I say and he shakes his head "Don't be" he says and I just smile at him. He looks at me "So I have a question" he says.

My smile slowly goes away because I know what he's going to ask but I just nod "What's up?" I ask as he looks at me "Why didn't you talk to me after that night?" he asks and I just look at him. I knew this was going to happen. I knew he was going to ask me this. I just sigh "I did it because..." I contemplate if I should tell him.

Joe leans over taking my hand into his "Syd you can tell me anything you know that? I know what I did to you and our relationship was absolutely horrible and I hate myself for letting you go and for what I did but I don't want you to not be able to communicate with me" he says.

I just look at him thinking should I tell him? After all this time of being sure I wasn't going to tell him soon am I going to tell him? I mean he does deserve to know that I love him but I don't know. Ya know what? Screw it. I am telling him. I close my eyes taking a deep breath and then open them looking at him in his "Joe I am going to tell you something I have been waiting to tell you and I feel that now is the right time" I say. He nods for me to continue as I continue to just look at him.

"Joe, I love you still"

A/N: Ahh she told him! I was going to wait but I just couldn't hold it anymore! How do we think Joe is going to react??

Also I am so sorry for my updates not being consistent! This semester has been crazy already! On week four already and the amount of presentations i have is insane!

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