* Few Tears to Melt*

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'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do.
- Those eyes (New West)

Jimin guessed right Jungkook's car entered Jungkook's house .
" Yes hyung I won't be able to come back now. ...... I know...... Please take care of everything now I have something urgent now.......... Ok thanks" jungkook talked to Hoseok on the call and cut it while stopping the car at his house.

Jimin waited for him to hoping he won't be angry anymore which he knew was impossible.

Jungkook came out of the car and jimin slowly mirrored his activity. Jungkook waited and waited but jimin was purposely doing everything slowly. He came out of the car and suddenly Jungkook grabbed his hand and started pulling him so he could walk faster.

They entered the house . Jungkook was walking ahead while holding jimin's hand while jimin was being dragged behind as if he didn't want to follow. Few servants noticed the scene but no one dared questioned anything.

As soon as they entered the room jungkook closed the door and left Jimin's hand in the middle of the room.

" Two minutes!.. I'm giving you damn two minutes!.. blurt out everything before I lose my mind..." Jungkook spoke while throwing his coat on the bed after wearing it off forcefully.

Jimin just looked down as whole scenario started to play inside his head.His throat got heavy as if it was hard to even mutter a few words. All he wanted now was an isolated corner where he can sit alone and clear everything which was running in his head.

" I'm talking to you !!!!." Jungkook looking at jimin in disbelief. But jimin stood there just like a status while looking down.

" That's what your problem is you never speak whenever it is needed and speak whenever its not even needed. Till when you gonna keep this attitude of yours huh!!" Jungkook shouted while pushing a flower vase onto the floor.
Jimin flinched at sudden vandalised behaviour.

" All i asked you was to inform me before leaving the place but no you would do whatever you like... It's always been like this isn't it." Jungkook spoke while pushing the table lamp on the floor which was placed on the table nearby.

Jimin's heart was beating wildly with fear. He never saw this side of Jungkook . Jungkook never was much of violent type person and mostly was calm during fights but today he was different. And Jimin didn't know what he should do now because if it was his Jungkook then he wouldn't have been this scary.

All jimin wanted was now to escape this place.. away from everything. So he collected all his courage to take his feet towards the door. But Jungkook's arm stopped him in his way before he could even reach the door.

" Where do you think you are going?" Jungkook's voice was tight and low.

" Wanna go home..." The words came out as mere whispers but felt like they were stuck in throats from quite long.

" Are you serious right now? Here I'm barking again and again while asking you why you went to that fucking Red Cross Hotel even after knowing it's reputation and you ... Here you are ignoring my words just to go home.... This is so unbelievable." Jungkook uttered in disbelief while forcing a laughter while grabbing his own hair.

But jimin didn't reply and he felt a knot of tears in his throat which was making it impossible to utter anything for him.
He knew he was just a single step away from breaking down

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