* Dreams *

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In a web of deceit, tangled and sly,
A lie was whispered, a truth denied.
But the threads unravel, secrets untie,
For honesty's light can never be denied.


A young girl was sitting on the floor while blood was flowing from her head and mouth. She was crying while holding her stomach which was bleeding due to a stab.

"I don't want anything neither money nor family just don't kill me please. " She pleaded in a cracking voice while watching the gun which was pointed towards are head.

" Obviously you won't need anything once you are dead." The men laughed.

" You all are heartless.. i didn't even do anything to you." she cried with eyes filled with tears. But suddenly everyone's eyes shifted in a certain direction.

" Jungkook please noo...." She yelled as soon as she saw in that direction.

" Why are you doing this ??" She cried with her hoarse voice.

" I hate you all so much-" suddenly someone stabbed a knife in her neck leaving her lifeless with struggling breathing and flowing tears.

Jungkook jolted and sat on the bed suddenly in the middle of the night. He was sweating badly. He wiped his sweat with the palm of hand. His heart was beating fast.

"Not this damn dream again!!..." He murmured to himself while picking up a tumbler and jug to pour water into the tumbler. He drank water to calm himself. After a few minutes he finally calmed down.

He had seen this dream many times in the past few years but it still gives him goosebumps every time. He doesn't know the people of his dream and especially that girl who was yelling at him. He wonders if it was some movie scene or some of his imagination. But in the end he never understood what it was so he chose to ignore it .

Suddenly Jungkook's which was placed on the side table phone tinged and he picked that up to see the notification. It was a message from Eunwoo.

Eunwoo-;If you are awake then call me . If you are not then call me in the morning.

Jungkook tapped on the dial button to call Eunwoo . As he was wide awake now and Eunwoo must finally have found something reasonable after his last witless report.

"I didn't expect you to call this sooner." Eunwoo laughed from the other side of the line.

"Cut the crap and tell me what's so important shit did you find that you have to ask me to call now." Jungkook spoke while standing up and going towards the balcony.

" You should be polite to people who help you Mr. " Eunwoo laughed with sarcasm.

" Well I remain polite to only those people who don't charge any money for any help or to say in your language services." Jungkook mocked him back. He looked around at the enchanting view of snow falling beautifully. The weather was cold so he went back inside in order not to get sick.

"Ok ok i give up. You won, happy?" Eunwoo spoke with an eye roll.

" So you asked me to call you just to hear your shit and ask if I'm happy or not " jungkook asked in disbelief while sitting back on his bed.

" Of course not. I'm a busy and talented man." Eunwoo while yawning.

" So what are you waiting for, new year?" Jungkook spoke while rubbing his eyes.

" I investigated more deeply this time and i think there are ninety five percent chances I'm right." Eunwoo spoke.

Jungkook felt his fingers tightening on the phone. He remained silent for a few seconds.

" Eunwoo i have told you either give me a hundred percent sure report otherwise don't give at all." Jungkook spoke finally in distress. The last time Eunwoo reported to him that jimin had a child he didn't believe him. He thought it could be a mistake because Eunwoo reported too early last time but this time Eunwoo said he was almost sure which means the fact was almost clear.

" I know what you have said. And therefore I have arranged a way to make sure of everything." Eunwoo spoke proudly .

" How?" Jungkook asked with a frown while straightening up his back.

"Tomorrow is Christmas eve and according to what I have found out is that jimin had an appointment with that child with a doctor in Seoul hospital. There i can get the required information." Eunwoo spoke confidently.

" Hospital details are confidential how will you access them....?" Jungkook asked while being stressed.

" Nice joke. I'm smarter than you think and this is my work i know what and when to do it. I have already found a nurse from there who can help me . She'll meet me at her evening shift and coincidentally that is also the time of jimin's appointment. Amazing ,ain't I?" Eunwoo ranted and Jungkook's heart beat rushed at it.

" Are you sure she can help to clarify?" Jungkook gulped.

" Yes, Damn sure." Eunwoo spoke.

" Then can you do one thing. Tell me the nurse details and tell her to tell all details to me specifically on call." Jungkook spoke .

" But wh-....." Eunwoo was cut when Jungkook spoke again.

" No wait. I will go there tomorrow in the evening instead of you. " Jungkook spoke but his words were hinting at some desperation.

" Wait, what ? Really! Are you sure?..." Eunwoo asked while being confused.

" Yes I'm . Just do what I said." Jungkook replied.

" I will do whatever you said but aren't you too invested in this boy's life bro he is just an assistant. You can get a better op-..." Eunwoo was interrupted again.

" Mind your business, would you Eunwoo? I'm paying you for your work not for opinions." Jungkook spoke in frustration.

" Yeah, yeah. I was just curious. Calm down now." Eunwoo spoke in his defence.

" Whatever. Just do what I said ." Jungkook ordered before hanging up the call.

The call ended and Jungkook stared at the Mobile phone in his hand for a while.

'Whatever Eunwoo said, can it be true? But how is it even possible? Can it be jimin and taehyung's. They seem pretty close but... it was kind of impossible. Or can it be jimin and his ex's... . But i never saw him again till now and at club jimin said that they broke up. Ahh this all is hurting my head and heart at the same time..' jungkook thought to himself. While lying on to the bed as he stared at the ceiling with glistening eyes.

He turned and Buried his face into the blanket while hugging the pillow tightly.

' God, why do you hate me so much ? Every time I try to move on while swallowing my pain you give me more pain to stay at the same time. Can't I be happy for some time without any pain? Can't I have one person of mine?' he talked to himself while closing his eyes tightly.
Jungkook was complaining to God but what he didn't know was that God had some better plans for him.


I'm not dead if that's what you were all wondering 🤡.

I'm so so so so sorry i disappear for this long without telling anything. But i was really too busy last week i mean I still am I took out time just to write this update.

I know not many but at least some of you were eagerly waiting for an update. So here it is . Not too good but it is how it is.

@tingdin you were right I'm actually malfunctioning these days.🤣

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