*Then Try Forever*

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I can feel a connection
A supernatural attraction
I got the feels for you

- The feels (Twice)

The final bell rang and the most boring last  class ended. As the teacher left everyone was leaving the class to go home . Soon the class was way more calmer than usual as only few students were left in the class who were either packing their bags or talking with their friends stupidly.

Jimin packed his bag and started to head home while minding his own business, plugging his earphones in both ears and playing his favourite playlist . He had a simple rule when you are listening to your favourite playlist or  song nothing in the world matters .So currently he was listening to his favorite song maniac by stray kids.

Another reason why he was listening to music while leaving was that his friend Mingyu was absent today and he didn't wanted other people to come and talk to him because he was alone. It not like he was egoistic or something, he just loves his personal space and talking to people was the most disturbing thing according to him.

But nothing goes planned. Life is always full of surprises something joyful and sometimes disappointing.
He was about the leave the entrence of college when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned while being confused and unplugging an earphone from his ear but as soon as he saw who it was his eyes comically widened and he plugged his earphone back and turned ready to run from the upcoming nuisance.

His bad luck crossed the line when the given someone held his wrist in tight grip stopping him from leaving.

And then the person even dared to unplug his one earphone from his ear and plugged it in his own ear . Jimin glared at that person ready to throw hands.

"Give me my earphone  back you dork."
Jimin spoke as he snatched his earphone and other hand back together .

"Now tell me what do you want ? Why are you following me ?" He asked while being annoyed with the latter.

"Firstly don't ask someone what they want without actually knowing what they want because it can lead you to problems . Secondly I wasn't following you I was just here to talk to you ." Jungkook replied while replying in the most casual way .

"I don't wanna talk now leave me alone. "Jimin spoke while being ready to leave.

"Hey ! Hey ! Wait! You haven't answered for my yesterday's love confession? " jungkook asked while grabbing Jimin's wrist again which jimin snatched back again while glaring.

"You call that a confession that was more like an ancient arranged marriage proposal....... but even if it was a confession I still strictly told you 'NO'."
Jimin was now so done with this rich brat .

"I don't take no as answer." Jungkook spoke while giving a silly smile.

"Then take 'NOPE' or 'NEVER' instead. " Jimin said matching jungkook with a silly smile .

"Why can't you just say yes. " Jungkook asked while frowning.

"Why can't you leave me alone." Jimin asked while rolling eyes.

"Because  I want you to be my boyfriend " Jungkook spoke smoothly.

"Why can't you understand Jeon I don't even know you and ..... " Jimin got interrupted when Jungkook spoke again.

"Then date me so we can know each other."
Jimin face palmed himself listening to Jungkook's blunt replies.

"Do you even know who I am? " Jimin spat in a whining tone completely annoyed with Jungkook.

"I don't care  because you can't be superior to me." Jungkook was too confident with his words.

"I'm the youngest son of the police commissioner Park Jisung who is famous for encounters and you know he shoots or puts everyone in jailwho bothers me."
Jimin spoke after making a mixture of truth and lies trying to scare Jungkook .

Although he hated using his father's name to shut people up but this time it's a little necessary. But even he knew that if his father got to know about this matter he will be the first one to get scolded and as for Jungkook he will simply complain to authorities.

But to his surprise Jungkook was still unaffected.

"So what ? Is he gonna shoot me ? Then ask him to try me because I love playing with guns too ." Jungkook spoke while raising his head a little with a smirk dancing on his thin lips.

Now jimin was officially done with the bullshit of this insane human being .

"Listen for the last time Jeon. I'm not interested in you and I'll never will be so you better fuck off. " Jimin spoke while pointing a finger towards jungkook.

" Your this attitude makes you more desirable and as for me no one can resist Jungkook for too long ." He spoke with cocky expressions.

"Stop living in your imaginations it's not good there." Jimin spoke while leaving the boy talking alone.

"I'll not give up until you agree Park. " Jungkook yelled while watching jimin leaving him .

"Then try forever , Jeon ." Jimin yelled while rolling his eyes at the annoying boy .

Well life is full of surprises you never know what the future holds for you.

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