*I'm Sorry*

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In the realm of love's embrace,
Where joy and pain interlace,

A heart can ache,
its wounds deep,
Yet through it all,
love's secrets seep.

Jungkook entered his office's cabin only to find his whole day schedule, work files and necessary things along with a hot coffee placed on the table nicely as if someone arranged them just a few minutes ago .

" He came early for the first time...... sooo... this means he will definitely ignore me now. " Jungkook spoke while he sat on the chair with displeased expressions.

He was disappointed but not surprised because he knew how jimin behave when he is angry.

He tried to call jimin but no one picked it up again like yesterday. He picked up the coffee to take a sip but coughed as soon as he tasted it because it was extra bitter today.

" The heck??!....soo bitter....." Jungkook spoke while wiping his lips with tissue paper.

" Now whom he is showing his anger!!! It was his fault he disobeyed my every order then provoked me and when I took action impulsively he blamed everything on me. All he does must be acting." Jungkook murmured as if he was trying to prove himself innocent.

" What the fuck I'm saying!! Obviously i was also at fault." Jungkook spoke after realising how he was trying to save himself. He knew he was partially at fault but the thing was he lost his rational sides in anger. And he almost feels bad for letting his impulsive thoughts win.

" Even if I was at fault why should I care? He bit my lower lip like an animal." Jungkook spoke while cupping his head with his one hand.

He went to the club last night to lighten up his mood to distract himself from the day event but ended up calling the same person to invite even more embarrassment.

But Jungkook knew one thing that if you show people that you feel embarrassed then things get more embarrassing and people embarrass you even more hence you should act like nothing effects you and that way you can avoid embarrassment.

And believing his this principle he called jimin only to get his call cut. He looked at his phone for a few seconds and suddenly a few messages dropped .

-What do you want now? Everything you need is on the table.
-If you need anything else just message it instead of calling every time.

" He is getting on my nerves now." Jungkook spoke and started replying.

To Jimin
- Come to my office directly without even asking a single question.
- and if you didn't then.... forget your month's salary.

He messaged and put his phone aside. He waited until he heard a knock. As soon as he heard the knock he opened his laptop and files to show he was busy.

" Come in ..." He spoke in his most netural voice.

Jimin entered his office. He was wearing a baby blue coloured sweater withong sleeps which were covering his hands till his palms with black pants. Mayne he was wearing sweater paws to hide his wrists. He came silently and stood near his table without uttering a word.

" You arranged these all papers wrong... And why this table is so messy?" Jungkook spoke while mocking jimin thinking he will reply in same tone but jimin just glanced him once and then started arranging everything again without any compliane.

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