*Back Into the frame*

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Everything sucks, just kidding.
Everything is great,not really.
I hadn't thought about my ex today
Oh wait!fuck i just did.

-Vault boy ft.Eric nam
(everything sucks)

3rd person pov

It was a sunny day starting with birds chirping but someone woke up late today as soon as that person saw the time he knew he was fucking late today too.
After so many hurdles he reached the bus stop catching the bus at the last moment.

He tried to escape the manager's sharp gaze to avoid the harsh scoldings but guess what he was unlucky today as always.

He was near his desk when suddenly an angry voice came from behind, "Yah! Park Jimin you are late today too. Don't you have any shame you are always late. Employees like you are drowning our company's name. "

"I'm really sorry Mr. Lee actually I worked till late last night for a report so I couldn't woke up at time in the morning "
Jimin tried to explain.

"So is that my problem and stop making these cheap excuses for your laziness.Now go and work stop wasting time."manger yelled at him with a venomous voice.What could Jimin do to him anyways he just bowed and went to his desk .

Jimin's pov

I just went to my desk and put my head on the desk while thinking 'Wow!such a great start of the day Park Jimin you are so talented in ruining your own day '.

But my inner thoughts were interrupted by sudden voice
"You are late today too". I raised my head just to notice Rose standard near me with a wide smile on her face.

" No please not you too Rosie, I'm already so fed up by Mr. Lee's taunts.
She just sat at her chair near my desk and laughed a little.
"Yah! I'm not making fun of you I was just trying to make you feel better". She told me with a teethy smile .

"Oh thanks but no thanks ". I said with a fake smile while rolling eyes and she slapped my head a little while laughing and soon we both were laughing like fools but as soon as we noticed manager coming our way we pretended like we were discussing something really important for our file. And day started in a little better way.


So this my best friend Park Rosie she might be annoying most of the times but she is one of the best person I knew. She was kind hearted a pure sweetheart .She might make fun of me but can never make fun of my insecurities that's the thing I like about her the most .

She was the first person who treated me like a nice friend in this whole office full of selfish people who only talked to me to either borrow something or to do some work .

We both soon became besties as we both are quite alike because we both are troubled with our family problems, we both are pure idiots and make dumb decisions and last but not the least we both are broke as hell we both don't have much money but I guess that's why we are best friends as we have so much in common even if it is not all good.

My life is full of troubles plus i am a fool not like I hate my life but i don't love it either. I'm just a body living with the help of music and food .

My only reason to live in this world is my beloved cutie otherwise I wouldn't be putting so much efforts in this shitty life and job.

Well my life was going okay until ........

He came back into the frame of my life with that cruelly handsome face of his and I got the news that the company was sold to a new owner.

And the owner was himself my so called lover or better to say ex lover.

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