* Will it happen again*

693 51 1

Every word, a grand display,
Seeking attention in every way.
Their world, a theater,
where they reside,
Dramatic gestures,
they can't hide.

The weather was nice and sunny perfect for a holiday but there are many unlucky people who have to work their asses off in the morning and Jimin is one of them. Although he learnt quite much in past few days but it doesn't mean he don't make mistakes anymore.

" Hey ! A client came a few minutes ago and submitted some documents. Can you give me those?" Jimin asked politely to the girl standing at the reception counter of the building.

" Yes here they are. And yes next time tell them to deliver them directly to you without bothering me." She spoke while continuing her work.

' But isn't that your? Bitch!' Jimin thought and mentally rolled his eyes.

" I'll keep this in mind. Have a good day."  Jimin spoke with a forced smile .

" I'll be doomed if I don't arrange these papers properly ."  He murmured while looking at the papers.

He held the file below his chin and analysed  pages one by one. While being busy he mistakenly took the wrong turn and as a result saw the wall ahead of him instead of the elevator.

" The fuck! How come I came here ? Jimin how absent minded you can be... You are always breaking your own records." He spoke while mentally slapping himself. He turned and started to go back .

He took the turn and accidentally collided with someone causing his file and papers to scatter on floor.

" Oh shit! " He started collecting paper . He was about to fight the culprit but restrained when heard that person apologizing.

" I'm.. I'm really sorry. I didn't expected you to come suddenly in front of me. Wait lemme help you. " The girl started picking up the papers one by one as she bended a little by holding her dress to keep it in position.

" Don't apologise it's my fault I wasn't looking forward. I'm the guilty one." Jimin spoke while he turned the papers to see if they are damaged in any way.

" Still I should have looked forward." She spoke while collecting the third paper because she was having difficulty in bending due to her dress.

" It's ok I'll collect them myself. You don't have to. Thanks for helping though." He spoke when he saw the girl struggling to pick the papers. He put the all papers in file and stood up finally.

" No problem. But can you help m- ......." She stopped in mid sentence when she saw jimin's whole face. She suddenly felt struck.

" Huh! What?" Jimin asked to girl who was suddenly speachless.

She just stared at jimin when she felt her heart beating insanely.

" Hey ! You were asking something ?"  Jimin asked again while scratching his nape. The girl lightly shooked her head in no as answer.

" Ok then I'll take my leave. Have a good day." Jimin left after bowing a little because he was already getting late.

But the girl was glued to her place . She didn't know how she should describe this feeling. Fear of losing jungkook or insecurity about herself she didn't know what it was but it was suddenly making her anxious.

" Stop overthinking! He can't be him...... You are just overthinking many people looking the same. Jungkook won't let him enter his life again. " She tried to console herself while inhaling and exhaling deep breaths.

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