*Expectedly Unexpected*

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Let's embrace the bickering, my dear,
Knowing it's a sign that love is near.
For in the end, our love will prevail,
Stronger than ever, we will set sail.

Jimin reached the terrace a little bit late because he forgot about the meeting and mistakenly went to the cafeteria but after remembering he went running to terrace. As soon as he looked around he found jungkook using his phone while leaning to the nearby wall.

" Jungkook! " He spoke and Jungkook looked up from the phone  screen.

"Oh you came earlier than expected. I hope your expensive time isn't wasted" Jungkook spoke with sarcasm while putting his phone in pocket and coming towards the other boy.

" I was coming on time ok just bumped into someone and got late. And please don't act like my teacher." Jimin lied saving his dignity.

" Your teacher? It means you are always late in class too? " Jungkook laughed imagining jimin getting scolded for being late at class.

" That's not true. I'm not always lat- .. why are we even talking about this?? Let's get to the point." Jimin spoke as he was suddenly feeling offened with the truth.

" Yeah !! Tell me what was the thing you wanted to talk about .'ALONE' " he spoke while raising his eyebrows in curiosity.

Jimin took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally to blurt everything out.

" Listen Jungkook...  I'm here to clear this last time ... I don't know why and how you like me but one thing that is clear to me is that I don't like you in any way plus I'm not even in the mood to be in any relationship any soon. So I'll suggest you to stop bothering me and wasting your time because it's really fruitless. And about that kiss i wasn't thinking clearly at that time so I'm really at fault for it what I accept."  Jimin blurted out in one go . He looked at jungkook to find displeasure or something but there was nothing like that instead there was faint smile.

"Ok fine ." Jungkook said while snickering a little at the  situation.

"Ok fine ? what do you mean ok fine? Why ok fine?" Jimin was suddenly shocked because it wasn't what he was expecting.

"Didn't that what you wanted from the past month?.."  Jungkook asked as he put his hands in his pocket and started waking near the end of the terrace.

" No i mean- Yes I wanted that but why are you so chill not surprised.? " jimin asked in confusion as he chased the boy .

Jungkook  stopped and turned to answer.

" I'm not surprised because I was expecting it.  It was obvious you would want to get rid of me it was not like you would be here to do a love confession." He spoke as he scrunched his nose while smiling.

" But if you knew that why did you just agreed not before?" Now Jungkook was seeming like a riddle to jimin.

"Because before confessing to you i promised to myself I'll try with my full efforts for one month to win your heart and if I failed I'll leave you alone. And guess what today is the last date of the month." Jungkook shrugged as he sat near the wall .

" Are you that impulsive in making your decisions ? Liking someone and setting a target time ?" Jimin laughed in disbelief.

"Well it's how I'm.. impulsive or whatever you say." Jungkook spoke casually.

"So you don't like me.. don't you?" Jimin asked rasing his eyebrow a little.

"I do .. I do really like you but that doesn't mean I'm gonna bother you always. And honestly i expected this would happen at the end but this smoothly that's what I didn't think. Based on your personality i thought it would end with you creating a scene and slapping the shit out of me. . " Jungkook spoke laughingly while making an eye contact .

"I don't even know what to say now. And what you even know about me to judge me is that I'll slap you or not? " Jimin was offended because in a way jungkook was calling him dramatic and impulsive which he was not ... Or maybe he was.

" Everyone knows you jimin .. even your dad calls you little angry Pikachu ." Jungkook laughed his heart out at his own comment, mocking jimin.

" So what if he does . It doesn't mean I'm angry or somethin- ... Why I'm even talking to you ? I'm wasting my time. Don't bother me ever you jerk. I'm leaving." Jimin was now angry for real. He snapped and spat everything that came in his mind.

"Ok bye go safely." Jungkook waved his hand with a smile. Jimin left the place stomping his feets .

Seconds later jimin came back with a confused frown on his face. Well , to say jungkook was surprised to she the boy again . Jimin stood in front of jungkook and folded his hands.

"Why did yo--.." jungkook was interrupted by Jimin's question.

" How do you know what my dad calls me?" Jimin asked in a suspicious tone making unbreakable eye contact with the boy in front.

" Oh that someone told me that." Jungkook spoke nonchalantly looking at somewhere near the wall instead of Jimin's eyes.

" Don't lie. My dad rarely calls me with this name now and no one except my family  and Mingyu knows it. And I'm damn sure none of them would tell you this." Now Jimin didn't know how and when did jungkook know about this name. One question was wondering in his mind ,' was jungkook a stalker or something.' . Jungkook laughed at jimin's frown but for jimin that laugh was seeming like a warning alarm.It was getting scary now but he had to maintain his coolness.

" Yes you are right nobody told me that." Jungkook spoke finally making eye contact .

" Then how do you know it." It wasn't like jimin was going to run or something but he was feeling a little nervous what if jungkook was some stalker or something.

"You wanna know the truth ? But i don't think you'll be able to believe it ...." Jungkook spoke while raising his eyebrows with a faint smile.

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