Chapter 20

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Aryan's POV

"Come in."

My assistant who is a lady in her late 20's walks in. She carries herself with confidence and the slight hesitation she should have when dealing with me.

 Yulia was the only employee who I had brought from my previous business. Her capabilities showed she could handle all the work I gave her. 

 "Did you finish the tasks I had recently given you?" I ask already knowing the answer. 

"Yes sir. This is your schedule for today. I overlapped the most important work from both companies to conserve your time. "

She hands me a folder and I look through the things I have to attend to today. Another busy day for me. Just great. 

I give her a slight nod before placing the folder down and glancing at my computer. 

"And.. What about the other task I had given you? What is your progress on that?" 

This was mainly what I was curious to know about out of all the things I had asked. 

I glance up from my computer when I don't hear a response. 

"Are you hard of hearing? I asked you a question." 

I can feel my temper rising and I try to suppress it. 

The day had just begun. I will  get through a few more hours before it breaks loose. 

Yulia hugs herself and I see pink rising up her neck to her face. Panic erupts on her face and then is gone in seconds after she regains her composure. 

"Sir I went to Ms. Arora's office-"

"Mrs. Ahmed." 

"I'm sorry, sir?"

That's it. 

I get up from my chair and slam my fist down on the desk. 

"That's her fucking name. This is the last time you will make that mistake. Use that mouth of yours and answer me." 

Unshed tears gather her eyes before she takes out tinted glasses and puts them on. She won't ever back down and that's why she's stayed around for years as my assistant.

"I'm sorry sir. Mrs. Ahmed was not in her office when I went there. I asked around and it turns out she had a meeting with some clients involving one of her cases. Mrs. Ahmed went with her co-worker who is working with her on this." 

I sit back down and comb through my hair. 

What am I supposed to do with you, Ava? You just can't seem to stick around, can you? 

"Here are the files, sir.. Of the case she is working on. Should I give the details of her co-worker as well?" 

"That will not be necessary. Since this is the first time I got her back I will let it slide. Make sure to keep tab on the others in the future though. Let me know when she comes back. Until then, get ready for the meeting I have soon.  I will see you in the conference room." 

"Okay sir." 

And with that she leaves my room. 

I grab my blazer from my chair and put it on while flipping through my schedule. I see a portfolio of someone underneath. 

Spencer Hastings is written across the first page in bold. 

Smiling to myself I pick it up and throw it into my third drawer. I knew there was more than multiple reasons I had chosen Yulia. She knew exactly how I liked things. 

Spencer here on the other hand would just have to have an abundance of luck to not come across me these upcoming days. 

And then we met againWhere stories live. Discover now