Chapter 19

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Ira's POV

Ring Ring.

I groan and swipe at my phone for my alarm to turn off. Just when my eyes were going to close..

It continues to ring and I again try aiming for the shut off button with my eyes still closed. It doesn't turn off so I leap out of bed, stumbling to gain my balance and then turn it off as my eyes are now open. 

For those who think I'm insane for jumping out of bed that fast. If I had turned it off and went back to sleep there were very low chances I would reach work on time. So I just tell my mind to shut up and give my body these shocks of getting up abruptly. 

Of course my iron deficient body is crying about it as my head is still spinning when I grab a set of work clothes from the closet. 

I take a quick shower, dress my wounds again and grab a bagel from the kitchen. 

As I get into the car I wonder what the chances that my boss would be sick is. Probably negative infinity as I remember the memories of him still working even when he was sick. It was always work before anything...

~~ After reaching work~~

It seems unreasonably loud as I enter the building. Especially for this early in the morning. I reached at 6 since I had to get into character for one of my undercover interviews.  I also had to discuss the whole plan with my coworker on this case.

It takes both of us 40 minutes to complete our preparation and we are ready to go meet the witnesses. 

"I'll be back, Spencer. We'll meet at your car. I just have to fix this outfit."  I tell my coworker. 

"Sure thing. Try to make it in 10 so we reach on time." he says.

I nod at him and leaves.

I go to the bathroom and reapply my makeup to a more bold look that involves thick brown winged eyeliner and matte brown lipstick. 

 I had worn white dress pants, a solid black belt, cuffed coffee colored blouse, white overcoat and a few gold layered necklaces. (I know my wounds still haven't healed but my darker sets of clothes are used more often and were at the cleaners so I had to take the risk. And anyway it would only be an issue if one of them opens..)

Tying my hair up into a loose bun, I pull a few strands out and observe my look. I guess this would do. 

Just as I was about to leave unease washes over me and my hands start tremoring. 

Oh no no no this could not be happening right now! I hastily put my shaky hands into my handbag to look for the pills, things start flying out of my bag and land all over the counter but I don't pay attention to that. 

When I open the bottle there's only 1 pill left. There was no way that would be enough but that would have to do for now. I shove it in my mouth and gulp it dry before throwing the fallen out things back into my bag and gasp for a long breath before leaving to the elevator. 

My hands hadn't stopped shaking but my coat had deep pockets which would hopefully cover that issue up. 

I reach Spencer's car and we leave for our one hour ride to the destination. 

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