Chapter 12

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Sid's POV

Oh man I hope that jerk wouldn't notice my missing presence upstairs. I tapped my shoe against the elevator floor, anxiously waiting for it to open. It really frustrated me that Ira never opened up to any of us. I mean we're all her friends right? So why couldn't she tell us a goddamn thing that happened in her life? I know something didn't go well in her past but what was our fault in that? We weren't the ones who betrayed her. 

As I saw the elevator come close to my floor I crumpled up Kiara's jacket and put it under my arm. I disheveled my hair and took a deep breath and exhaled before entering the devils den. 

I walked down the hallway and went towards the main room where most people did their work. 

Everyone had gotten back to their work but something felt very off. And there was no sign of the devil. Maybe he left? 

I went over to Kiara's desk and she wasn't there. I placed her jacket on her chair and then went over to Zaina's. I stood behind her and she was so focused on staring at her computer that she didn't even notice me. 

"Oh hello! Which planet are you on, madam?" I said while snapping my fingers in front of her face. 

She looked up at me with a puzzled expression and then started typing on her keyboard. 

What the hell?! Did Zaina Dhanial just ignore me?? We were on good terms yesterdayy.  Something was definitely wrong.

I pinched myself to make sure I was actually awake. And then I pinched her hand to see if she was there. In return she rubbed her hand and then went back to doing her work. She didn't even make a sound! I looked around and everyone were giving their undivided attention to their work. Even Kyle who used to play on his phone instead of doing work was actually using a pen and paper to fill out reports. In what era had he stopped doing that, again? 

They all looked like fricking robots. I had to find Kiara at any cost. But first I had to go piss because I had drank 5 cups of coffee this morning. When I was done with that I overheard a voice coming inside of the women's bathroom. 

Like I'm not a creep to listen on women's business' but I swear it sounded like Kiara's voice. So I quietly tiptoed to the door and put my ear on the door to check if it was. 

"Hold on, Jake. I think someone's outside. Let me go check. I'll call you back later." she said. 

I moved too slowly and both of us tumbled inside of the bathroom as she yanked open the door.

I sheepishly looked back to who indeed was Kiara. And she started laughing. 

"What's so funny?! This is so embarrassing! I'm in the women's bathroom!"

Which made her laugh more as tears started coming out of her eyes.

"Oh my god, stop talking! My stomach hurtss. I'm just glad it was you and not anyone else. What happened to your forehead? It looks like your getting a third eye! This day has been a complete mess! And of course when I was looking for you, your stupid cell phone was on dnd! Why do you even have a phone Siddharth if you don't use it for what it's meant for? I ha-"

"No, I'm asking the questions! And that's a present, Ira gave me! I wasn't here because I went to go check on Ira! What happened to all the people out there? They all seem so-"

"Okay, thank you for doing that! What a nice present she gave youu.. Here's the thing. After she left. The new boss ordered everyone to go back to their work but I had to go to the bathroom so I came here. When I went back the whole air seemed really stuffy and smelled weird. But then I was feeling nauseous earlier today so I thought it could have been that. I went to look for Ahmed sir and found him and Johnson outside. He was holding Johnson by his neck, Sid! There were some files in his hand which Johnson wasn't accepting but before I could figure anything else out a bunch of guards entered the premises so I had to go back."

She took a break and drank some water while I was trying to process what she was saying. Who the heck was that man? It definitely didn't sound like he was some innocent little business dude trying to check out our company.  

"Okay so then when I went back there were people who were Id'ing everyone to where they sat.  I'm pretty sure our names along with whoever weren't there must've been flagged. How were you able to come all the way over here without anyone stopping you?"

"Kiara, your creeping me outt. I should've just stayed home today! I didn't even see a fly when I walked in on this floor. Only the people who were "working". This seems like some sci-fi mystery shit. And I want nothing to do with it. Let's just leave. Maybe the people who were monitoring everyone got tired and went on a break? So let's take that opportunity to get the hell out of here!"

"But don't you want to figure out what's going on? Somethings definitely going on-"

"Maybe I would have if the man you mentioned who is responsible for this wasn't some psychopath. I need to grab some meds, Ira mentioned to me about. We can go to her office and grab those and then take Zaina with us on the way out. Is that okay?"

She shook her head and then agreed. I motioned for her to follow my lead. I poked my head out of the bathroom door and saw nobody. So we both got out and headed towards her office. 

I grabbed the knob but it was locked. Seriously? Why would she lock her room! Nobody would enter it either way! I started slamming my head against the door and Kiara shoved me to the other side.

"Grow up Sid! Your going to attract attention, you dumbass! I have the code."

"What do you mean? I always attract attention! Haven't you seen how char-"

"Shh! Just shut up! Nobody cares if your "charming" or not!"

I scoffed. "How dar-" 

I got a hard kick on my legs and was shoved into the room as the door opened.

Ouch that hurt. I rubbed my leg as I went over to look for the meds. After finding them I put it into my pocket and we then headed over to the main room. 

I walked over to Zaina and tapped her shoulder. She didn't turn around. Okayy then, I guess I'm going to have to pick her up. 

I turned her chair around and saw that her eyes had turned yellow and there were glassy and bloodshot. We both gasped in seeing her such state. I lowered my almost 6 foot frame to be able to pick her up. 

"I wouldn't suggest that if I were you." a voice said. 

"Man, mind your own business." I said without turning around. 

 "This is my business. And I am advising you, Mr. Khatri to leave her as she is. You are doing more harm by being near her right now." 

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do, bro?" I said while getting up and turning around.  

I stumbled as I came in contact with none other than the mother-fucker behind this mess. 


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