Chapter 14

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Third Person POV

"Now that it seems like we have met each other. I would like to know where you two were during the inspection." Aryaan calmly says. 

"It ain't any of your business." Siddharth snaps. 

Aryaan's eyes narrow as he looks at Siddharth in disgust. 

"Since this individual is incapable of talking to me.. Ms. Rai, answer my question if you value the roof you are under." he says with his green eyes pining her down from where she is standing. 

"Uh, S-sir. I-I wa-ss here the who- lle  time?" she stutters and her cheeks now have a pink tint to them. 

Aryaan's eyes show disappointment as his hands go into his navy blue tux pocket to retrieve his phone. 

He calls someone and his language switches to a foreign language. 

A few moments later. A group of people in black attire show up behind him. The ones in the back all hold guns: shades and masks cover their faces. In the front  a man and women step towards Kiara and Siddtharth. 

He gives them a curt nod before slowly turning the other way to text someone on his phone. 

"Arms high up in the air. Only speak when given the permission to." a lady with a thick Russian accent says. 

Her straight blonde hair is put up in a high ponytail and her eyes are lined with thick black eyeliner which make her grey eyes more prominent.

They both hesitate before raising their arms. 

The lady starts patting down Kiara while a man checks Siddharth. 

They ask them to take off their coats and shoes as well. Their phones, ID's and wallet and Kiara's purse are all taken. 

As the man checks Sid's pockets, he takes out the medication. He looks at the name and his face hardens. 

"Mr. Khatri, it is against the rules to posses someone else's m-"

"It's my sisters! I was just going to give it to her." he blurts out. 

"Do not, interrupt me while I am speaking. Your lies did not make this any better for you, Mr. Khatri."

"Onu teftişe götür, Leah. Bu adamın neden Bay Ahmed'in karısının ilacına sahip olduğunu bilmek istiyorum." he says in Turkish. 

Translation: "Take him into inspection, Leah. I want to know why this man possesses, Mrs. Ahmed's medicine."

"Hands behind you." she tells Siddharth while taking out handcuffs. 

"This is utterly ridiculous." he mutters under his breath. 

"What did I mention about not speaking without permission." she replies back while purposely yanking his hands down while putting the handcuffs on. 

He rolls his eyes in response. 

 She grabs his arm and takes him out of that room.

"Am I allowed to leave?" Kiara questions while beads of sweat roll down the sides of her forehead. 

"Why were you not here when we made the announcements?" he asks. 

"I-I was in the bathr-room." she stutters. 

He looks down at his watch and then looks up while shaking his head horizontally. Brown strands come loose from his slick hair and cover up his eyebrows. He looks towards the rest of the crew and they then all leave the premises. And then he takes a step closer to Kiara. 

"I wasn't expecting this response, Ms. Rai. I'll give you one more chance to explain yourself."

"Can I have a moment, before answering, please?"

He nods in response. 

"Thank you, sir."

She turns around and then estimates the time it would take to reach the stairs. 

"I've got this!" she tells herself. 

The glass orb that sits on the desk near her is taken in her hands and she turns around to throw at him. 

Before she even has a chance to let it go, he grabs her waist and shoves her near the desk, causing her to drop the orb. Glass shatters all across the floor. Her hands get sprawled across the desk and her breath escalates. She tries stomping her pencil heels on his foot but he shoves his legs in between hers.

"I didn't think you had it in you." he chuckles. 

"Get off me!" she yelps. 

"What makes you think that I can trust you now?" he questions. 

"I'll answer the question! Your making me uncomfortable!"

"You could have answered the damn question! I was trying to give you a chance, Ms. Rai."

He goes near her ears and whispers, "But you lost that chance." 


He shifts to one hand holding both of her arms and then grabs a syringe out of his pocket. With his teeth he takes off the cap and then injects it into her neck. 

She struggles in her position and tries saying something but no words escape her mouth. 

"And off you are." 

A few seconds later she loses her stance and drops into his arms. 

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