Chapter 30

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(Dhiya's view)

"Are you sure? You wanna go to office today itself?" Aadhi asked when I was adjusting my scarf.

"Aadhi I'm gonna kill you for sure" I said back.

It was two days after my discharge,but this caring idiot still pampers me.

"Okay have your phone nearby you everytime,never hesitate to call me okay?"

"Yeah yeah, you've said this to me more than ten times you silly" I said and pushed him out of my room. I had a crazy smile when I looked myself in the mirror.

"This idiot cares about me more nowadays" I thought. I paused for a second when Rohit crossed my mind at that instant, I have to face him today in the office.

"Why do I care? He was the one who ignored me. Why should I get anxious?" I asked myself looking at the mirror before leaving.

"Are you feeling better now ma?" Ajja asked when I entered the cab.

"Yeah Ajja, please don't give me that sympathy look. I'm fed up being a patient for the last ten days" I said and he laughed.

In a few minutes, I reached my office. I paid Ajja with an extra hundred rupees.

"Keep this Ajja, have some tea" I said. He accepted it with a smile. I usually feel relaxed when I do such things to my close ones.

"Hello gorgeous, welcome back. I've missed you so much" Radhika hugged me when I stepped in.

"I still have some traces of dengue viruses inside me" I said.

"Fuck! Get off me you stinky" she giggled and pushed me fakely. Ankita came near us.

"Feeling good now?" She said and gave a warm hug.


"I've tried to come to the hospital but some household chores..."Ankita said.

"It's okay Anki,Some didn't even care to respond. You're far better compared to them" I said gazing over Rohit's cabin.

"Huh?" Ankita gave me a puzzled look.

"Nothing, she is still taking some drugs. You should probably go to your work now" Radhika interrupted us and dragged Ankita away from me.

"Don't come to any conclusion Dhiya, I'm sure Rohit has some reasons" she said.

"Fine, let him write it down in a paper and shove it in his ass" I said angrily and walked to my cabin.

"Fucking reasons, he may have" I murumured and switched on my laptop. When I logged in,I could see someone coming inside the cabin door.

"Hey...."Rohit entered and waved his hands.

"You can't just come inside without knocking, I think you lack many things nowadays including manners"

"Huh...I hope you're mad at me"

"Tell me what you want and leave, I have a lot of work to do" I said looking into the laptop.

"Come on Dhiya,why are you making a scene here?"

"Me? Oh yeah. You didn't even care to talk to me and now you're accusing me here. Good move Rohit"

"Dhiya, you know that our work is hectic. I didn't had time to talk"

"Reasons and excuses can be cooked instantly from anywhere Rohit. You could have called me in breaks or many other time, but you didn't. This shows how lethargical you are"


"Go for it...find many excuses as you can" I said and looked directly into his eyes.

"Okay, I agree. I was not in a good mood that day. I just wanna chill some time. So what's the big deal here?"

"Big deal? You were not there when I wanted you the most. Didn't that bother you? Do you know how I felt?"

"Just wait Dhiya. Let me remind you one thing here. You wanted a casual relationship with me. Demanding such things are too far from what we have inbetween us"he said.

I was dumbstruck with his answer. I can't find any reason to tackle his words.

"So is that it? Even Radhika calls and tries to look after me....but you.."

"Dhiya, I came to see you in person. Isn't that enough? You were good that day and I've spend my free time with you"

"But Rohit..."

"We should allow space for each other, that's what casual relationship means. Don't you get that?"

"Huhh..." I paused and sighed for a moment.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you at your worst time. But you should remember that I also have a life to run" he said stubbornly and got up.

I sat there silently scratching my mouse.

"You can call me when you get calm again. I'll expect your call" Rohit said leaning his head inside the cabin door before leaving.

I started thinking whatever he said. He was absolutely correct about our spaces. I can't force him to be with me always, but still I want someone who can stand by me in my worst times. Suddenly my phone rang breaking my thoughts. It was Aadhi.

"Huhh...hello Dhiya?" Aadhi said when I answered his call.


"What is it? You sound low"

"Aadhi when I was unconsious on the floor you came inspite of your work right?"


"Hmm...what if I'm not feeling well mentally? Will you come for that too?"

"Huhh..what does that mean?"

"Tell me, I wanna know"

"Ofcourse yes, I won't allow anything to hurt you"he said.

I breathed more than usual at that moment. My mind started to collapse little by little hearing Aadhi's voice.

"Humm...its nothing. I'll talk to you later"

"But Dhiya?"

When he was about to talk I hung up the call. I could see my eyes in the laptop's reflection. One was filled with tears and one with happiness.

"Rohit was my crush, I loved to be with him. I liked casual stuffs inbetween us, but this new feeling for Aadhi. What should I call this? Shall I call this love?"

I started questioning myself inside my head. I was fully in a confused state and my body started to do my work as if I were a machine running without any soul inside.

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